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This is all very interesting. I think a lot more must be going on if a rack, any rack, is placed in the centre instead of the sides of the room. Especially if the rack has more than 2 levels. I also have the Get Better Sound book and it was recommended to put all or most of the gear on the side walls. Unfortunately, this wouldn’t work in a normal living room space especially if you live in HK. Hence, it might be that placing everything on single platforms with 1 level only would already improve the soundstage instead of using racks. I am currently using Artesania Audio, but it might be that even this brand or more expensive will always decrease the soundstage.
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This is why The System looks the way it does. It is extremely difficult to make a rack as good as no rack, ie the floor. A rack puts everything up high closer to ear level and reflects sound more because its all in one block. So The System is mostly on the floor, and with components at differing height and spacing the components diffuse more than reflect. This also provides for shorter and more direct cabling with greater isolation between signal and power cables.
This is all very interesting. I think a lot more must be going on if a rack, any rack, is placed in the centre instead of the sides of the room. Especially if the rack has more than 2 levels. I also have the Get Better Sound book and it was recommended to put all or most of the gear on the side walls. Unfortunately, this wouldn’t work in a normal living room space especially if you live in HK. Hence, it might be that placing everything on single platforms with 1 level only would already improve the soundstage instead of using racks. I am currently using Artesania Audio, but it might be that even this brand or more expensive will always decrease the soundstage.