The best George Bizet Carmen on vinyl

Can anybody (everybody) recommend what they consider to be the best (vinyl) rendition of Carmen?

Did Maria Callas ever do Carmen? I thought not but an acquaintance claims he has heard an mp3 with her singing from Carmen.


Showing 1 response by pauly

Thanks guys.

I am particularly fond of Carmen and I have somewhat nostalgic memories of my mom dragging me, moaning and protesting, to the opera as a youngster. Sadly, I have never found a version of Carmen that really takes me back.

After spending the past few evening enjoying Callas & di Stefeno in Lucia di Lammermoor it dawned on me that ms. Callas may be the ticket.

I managed to find the Callas EMI on eBay, but I’ll look out for Horne and Maginnes also.
