The best digital IC, period.

I've spent a great deal of time, too much really, to find the best IC between my transport to my DAC. After listening to six cables from some big names and big $$ as well as some not so well names for small $$. The winner came out to be a HAVE/CANARE $25 IC. With this cable there is no eye candy at all, ZED, but it's combination of GEPCO International, VSD2001 high definition 75ohm serial series digital coax, and CANARE true 75ohm RCA terminations, simply killed all of the esoteric cables with a few others coming in very very close, but the HAVE/CANARE $25, 3' was just beyond belief. Now I know that people feel strongly to use at least 1.5M in length for a DIC, but with this company I tried cables at length of 12" to 1.5M, i tried them all and the best of the buch was their standard 3' cable, defying the math. Hey, for 25$?
I hope that this post will be allowed in light of the fact that false statements have been made about me on this thread that question my honesty and integrity.

Regarding the false statement by a poster on this thread that I am a shill, here is a recent denial in a post from Worldwidewholesales on the thread entitled Great Cables ... That Get Little Attention.

"04-30-12: Worldwidewholesales
Glory and Essentialaudio/Brian Walsh worldwide sales rep for Teo (Liquid Cables).

I have stood back for several weeks and listened to you trash talk my company and my clients but enough is enough. Sabai is a client of mine and he has made several purchases of different models of HiDiamond cables. Sabai does not and has never worked in any way, shape or forum for Worldwide Wholesales or me personally and in fact doesn’t even live in Canada. There is no point to twist words or play games. I have never been on this forum under any name except Worldwide Wholesales and my clients are my clients; I prefer clients versus customers. It appears that for some reason you may have a problem with people saying “they enjoy HiDiamond cables “if this is the case than please let us all know why?

I introduced this topic. In my introduction I stated the following:
"Please note I am not in the audio business and have no association with any audio company -- other than being a customer."

The agenda behind the negative posts on this thread is obviously to impugn my observations about HiDiamond cables that I find absolutely stunning. The emotionally-charged tone of these posts indicates to me that there is a hidden agenda lurking under the surface and that a sensitive nerve has been touched. In the past, we have seen threads unravel, mired in the quicksand of insults and false accusations. I will once again take Ted Denney's advice (the lead designer of Synergistic Research) and ignore disrespectful, inflammatory and false statements that stray from the topic.

In the past, I have written enthusiastically about products from the following companies on these forums: Synergistic Research, EMM, Bybee, ASI Liveline, Merlin and AMR. I find it worthy of note that I was never accused of anything other than enthusiasm when I submitted those posts. I hope this thread will return to a discussion of the topic.

I will be receiving the HiDiamond Carbon 2 digital cable next week. I will post my initial observations of it at that time.
My problem with HiDiamond is that there aren't any dealers (in my area at least?) that are willing to home demo them. And we all now how important demos are... I asked the distributor if there are any dealers in the US that are welling to home demo them, and he said no because it would be useless since the cables take a month to settle in a system. I'm not comfortable dropping a good amount of money on cables that may or may not work well in the system (of course the dealer said their sound doesn't vary from system to system). Especially on a brand with very little feedback.
In closing,

One last thought Sab,

Did you not write?

When Audiofeil or anyone else "calls me out" on anything I take Ted Denney's advice from Synergistic Research. I ignore that poster because their posts appear unnecessarily provocative and emotionally charged. They do not merit a response from me. I only reply in substance to respectful posts. At this stage in my life I feel under no obligation whatsoever to interact with anyone who does not show due respect.

You called me out and when I answered your dealer rap you called me a lier.

And then you write

I believe that respect is due to each poster on Audiogon no matter how deeply one disagrees with another poster. Otherwise, threads can quickly deteriorate in a vicious circle of accusations, bullying and mockery. We have seen this happen too many times here. No poster who is respectful of others on the forums owes anything whatsoever to the forum or another poster if they are not addressed with due respect. IMO.

Really Sab is this true?

I am done thank you.
William Shakespeare made a very insightful observation in Hamlet:

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

You and Essentialaudio are revealing more than you realize. Not everyone who reads these forums is as naive as you would wish.
Thanks. I've been told before that I'm a riot. I'm glad this meets with your approval. I'll be here 24/7. No cover charge.

Did you not write this on the Teo XLR thread??

Fiddler, according to your logic, everyone who prefers one component or cable is suspect. This calls the honesty of all such posters into question. Are the only acceptable posts those that express confusion and uncertainly? What a sad day this would be if this were so.
Sabai  (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

And this on the Teo XLR thread
Fiddler, according to your logic, everyone who prefers one component or cable is suspect. This calls the honesty of all such posters into question. Are the only acceptable posts those that express confusion and uncertainly? What a sad day this would be if this were so.
Sabai  (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

Wash your mirror Sabby and take a look. Hey it's you in there isn't it Sabby? Yes indeed it is you!

Now when you go back and read your thoughts/ reaction about my posts here on this thread and the thoughts of yours on the Teo thread I see a strong form of hypocrisy.

Just reading between the lines thank you. =8^D

On the thread

  Speaker Cables for VANDERSTEEN 5 speakers

You write,

04-15-12: Sabai
I have had the HiDiamond XLR 2 interconnects in my system for 2 days. They are simply stunning. I have never heard any other interconnects that do what the HiDiamonds do to bring the emotion and aliveness into my system -- or any other system I have ever auditioned over the years. Words cannot do justice to these interconnects -- right out of the box without break-in.

Please note I am not in the audio business and have no association with any audio company -- other than being a customer.
Sabai  (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

And on this digital thread you do the same praise for HD wire IC.

You little shiller for HD IC's you. I can read between the lines also and you do know the difference between IC/SC and Digital cables No? Yes you do!!

And I am the shill artist? Shabby look into your own mirror and see the real SHILLER. =8^D
You're a riot, Shabby, a regular riot!

He'll be here all week, folks! Be sure to tip your server, and try the veal!
Hey GLo,
Do you remember Van Morrison -- G-L-O-R-I-A -- have you ever thought of changing your ID to Gloria?
That's a great name. Sabby -- I like it !! I may change my Audiogon ID. Sabby -- I like it !! Thanks GLo.
I have never been in the audio business and have no financial links to anyone in the audio business. I am a happy customer. That's it. If you are not happy about my enthusiasm that is not my problem.

Instead of using the tone you have just used in your post are you prepared to make a straightforward denial as I have just done?
Sab writes,

If there are posts that should be suspect it is obviously dealer posts. And the shills they bring into the picture who remain as silent partners

I do believe you are referring to me as the silent shill partner of Teo Cables.

I never wrote a review on Teo cable like you did the HD cable you had in your system for a whole two days. Pushing the HD IC on a digital thread and I a a shiller for Teo Cables? You have found me out Sab as a secret dealer for Teo. Reading between the lines has discovered me for who I am, a dealer of Teo cables. You are very good at this reading in-between the lines stuff. Darn Taras Sabby has found me out. What to do now?

The title of this thread is The Best digital cable IC, period. My pick is the Teo Digital SPdif cable. I should not have to read all your accusations about me shilling for Teo because I dig their digital cable.

Do you work for Bob at HD cables Sabby?
Casting aspersions, Sab? Pot, meet kettle. Shills as silent partners? Wow, far out, man.
You may have worked hard to earn your reputation but I am not at all impressed with some of your posts.
Hide behind my keyboard? That's a good one. A customer hiding behind his keyboard. You have an obvious ax to grind. If there are posts that should be suspect it is obviously dealer posts. And the shills they bring into the picture who remain as silent partners. You only demean yourself by trying to cast aspersions on customers. Thank you for allowing this discussion, Audiogon.
Sabai, one thing I have learned from reading your posts is not to believe everything you say, one reason being that you hide behind your keyboard. I am an open book with nothing to hide. Anyone can look me up through my website and can contact any of my suppliers to get the scoop. I have worked hard to earn my reputation as a straight shooter.

So Sab thinks we are not speaking the truth and the pills are not working.

So yes Sab I am a dealer and a marketeer for Teo Audio cables.

Now go ahead and believe the lie!

Thanks Agon monitors for allowing this discussion.
I don't believe everything I read. I have learned how to read between the lines. This is an important lesson in life.
Sabai: I'll speak for Glory. No. He bought the cable from me. He has no connection whatsoever with Teo Audio. His purchase was based purely on the cable's performance.

You have dealer/shill/toxic phobia. Try increasing to 3 pills 3 x day and call me in the morning @1800Teocable. =8^D

You dodge the question on what have I aggressively shilled here on this thread.

I will answer for you. Nothing! And I will answer what has Anti pushed here? Nothing!

You get the last word Sab as This has become fruitless.

  The best digital IC, period.

Teo Audio digital cable IMHO is the best I have heard.
As I said earlier, I am too old to be phobic. But not too old to be suspicious. Especially with what sounds like aggressive shill talk.
Wow Sab maybe you need to increase to two pills. =8^D

I do not lie here on the 'Gon. I am not a dealer for any audio products.

Dealers are confrontational? Didn't know that was true. If I disagree with that thought that proves I am a dealer? What am I dealing here in this thread or any other thread that I have participated in? And what has Anti done to get the dealer rap?

So you do have a phobia. Dealer phobia still comes out even with my disclosure.
Your feedback shows you sell an awful lot of cables. Are you sure you're not in the cable business?
Because of your confrontational attitude. Making full disclosure is not a gig. It is an important matter on Audiogon. If a forum member has an agenda this should be disclosed. Are you sure you have no connection at all with the audio business?

Then why question Anti and I with the dealer gig? What are we pushing to leed you to ask such a question??
No Sab sorry to say I am not a dealer. What do you think I am dealing here? Why do you ask such a question? Dealer phobia?

Remember it takes 4 to 8 hours for posts to see the light of day so there was nothing to re-read when I last posted.

Try cutting the pill in half. =8^D

What makes you think Anti is a dealer and what is he pushing here in this thread to ask such a question? He is listed as a private member from the UK.

Seems like he rightfully corrected your IC praise of the HD wire in a digital thread and you get out the dealer question.
By the way, GLo, are you a dealer? You sound like a dealer to me. Would you care to make a disclosure?
You mean there is a difference between an IC and a digital cable?!

Thanks for helping SAb and I out Anti.
yup, that's the issue. The original contribution discussed the link between transport and dac....75 ohms anyone?
Antigrunge, I note that the title of this thread is "The best digital IC, period."
Just thought I'd point out that people are discussing analogue rather than digital cables in this thread
I have had the HiDiamond XLR 2 interconnects in my system for 2 days. They are simply stunning. I have never heard any other interconnects that do what the HiDiamonds do to bring the emotion and aliveness into my system -- or any other system I have ever auditioned over the years. Words cannot do justice to these interconnects -- right out of the box without break-in.

Please note I am not in the audio business and have no association with any audio company -- other than being a customer.
I have had the HiDiamond XLR 2 interconnects in my system for 2 days. They are simply stunning. I have never heard any other interconnects that do what the HiDiamonds do to bring the emotion and aliveness into my system -- or any other system I have ever auditioned over the years. Words cannot do justice to these interconnects -- right out of the box without break-in.

Please note I am not in the audio business and have no association with any audio company -- other than being a customer.

I piggy-back my XLR cables. No adapters necessary. I use a burn-in adapter from VH Audio for running the power cords in series.
Sabai, how do you connect them in series? with a special power cord adapter? Thanks.
Thank you for your kind remarks. I have not tried Acoustic Zen cables -- yet. I note your positive observations about them in your system.

I am using ASI Liveline power cords in series with Bybee Ultra and ASI Liveline power cords in series with Synergistic Research. I have found that using these cables in series is superior to using the cords individually. When the configuration is right the results are stunning. When the configuration is reversed the results are awful. Which goes to show me that cabling is a very tricky business.
have you ever tried Acoustic Zen cables? I am currently trying the power cords from them and I am truly hearing a noticeable difference. These are not too "crazy" in their pricing and I am pleasantly surprised at what I am hearing.
I am buying the Liquid Cables from Teo Cables tomorrow but I think I will be picking these up as well.
I value your input as I have noticed your posts are quite thorough and informative.
I will be glad to report my experience with HiDiamond cables once I have had a chance to listen to them in my system.

I believe there are two reasons why HiDiamond has such a low profile in North America. The first is that they do not advertise. The second is that they are an Italian maker. There are many excellent foreign makers who have been unknown until they became famous. AMR from the UK was completely unknown until they recently started producing world-class components. Hegel from Norway make products that are at the top of their price-point class. Perhaps HiDiamond will become well-known as a maker of high quality cables. This remains to be seen -- and heard.

I am not associated with the group Musicxyz is involved with. I have only had a handful of cables in my system over the years, in comparison with the hundreds of cables they have auditioned. My experience will have to be taken in this context. But I did train as a concert pianist and my hearing is excellent. So this should be helpful.

Over the past 6 years I have used cables from the following companies: Mogami, Goertz, Supra, Gabriel Gold, Cardas, ASI Liveline, Bybee and Synergistic Research.
I too am interested in more information on these HD cables.

Here are my initial thoughts:

I like what xyz says has been his method for comparing;
I am concerned however that there is no mention of this brand anywhere else on any audiophile forum or review I can find;
The cable is relatively inexpensive so might be worth a tryout if a little more info were forthcoming;
I too am interested in knowing what is the list of cables against which xyz's group compared

I'm currently using a Marigo Apparition unbalanced. I am about to swap in a kubala sosna emotin balanced, to compare.

I have tried blue jeans, Kimber, audioquest and a couple others I can't presently remember. The Marigo is better in my rig, to my ears, for my preference than all previous by a wide margin. Better imaging, more clarity, sweeter top end, tighter bass, fuller soudning, etc etc.

If these HD proves better than the likes of Marigo and kubala sosna, they should be able to sell a lot of cables here. But I'm unready to lay out $400 without more information.
I have ordered HiDiamond cables from Robert Neill of Worldwide Wholesale. I will take delivery next month. I have had absolutely no problem at all with him. In fact, he has been most helpful all the way through this transaction and has been more than willing to answer questions. I consider his customer service excellent.