Now that’s a load of unsubstantiated BS - heavy on innuendo and MIA on facts.
All facts. Read many of the threads on ASR. Name calling and personal attacks routine behavior. Your comments follow the ASR model.
Amir jumped a thread here and went on and on and on posting numerous charts, graphs, and long verbiage. Amir himself mentioned the search algorithm. Fact.
There is a video of Amir asking AP engineer to make the analyzer more "fool proof". Fact.
Amir himself documents his personal system and talks about cost. Fact.
Transparency about Amir's other business comes up in defense of his claimed absolute and unquestionable impartiality. Fact.
Mostly you sound angry and butthurt.
You are hostile and butthurt by facts, not I.
It’s almost as if Amir had disparaged one of your products or something
I make no products of any kind. You reveal yet another ASR minion tactic of leaping to a ridiculous assumption.