OK, that was long. So much for concise.
Let's try again:
Measuring audio gear and interpreting correctly what it all means without overlooking something important is HARD. After 30 years of ongoing study and practice as an engineer, I'm still learning new things all the time.
The ASR crowd is well meaning and I applaud Amir's attempts to help educate the public - he is doing a great service, but lots of people get carried away with accepting his test results as the be-all-end-all last word.
"It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so." –– Mark Twain
Meanwhile, the high-end audio industry is unfortunately plagued by hucksters selling pseudo-science and snake oil. It's gradually improving in my opinion, but still a problem that contaminates the credibility of subjective reviewers.
Ultimately, I believe the situation regarding measurements and their correlation to subjective results still has some distance to go, but will continue to improve. But until we arrive at the magical land where the numbers can tell you everything, just trust your own ears and enjoy the hobby.