"The Audio Critic" B.S. or what?

Has anyone ever heard of this magazine? In a nutshell, their premise is that audiophiles are ridiculous. They claim that all high-end equipment is marketed to audio magazines and their foolish readers. One particular area they sounded off about was cable and interconnect theory. They claim that spending hundreds and even thousands of dollars for cables is a joke and is a total waste of money. They claim that companies like Kimber are selling us a bunch of "snake oil." I just breezed through a copy and now it's got me wondering if we audiophiles are just masturbating each other with our concepts and discussion of "high-end" equipment and cables. Please tell me this is a bunch of sh*t. I'd like to think that we're getting at least a bit of "high-end" for our hard-earned $$$$

Showing 5 responses by leafs

cables do make a difference they all have their own sound and you have to try out variuos ones to find the one that works in your system.That said one does not need to get fovered by the MIT Nordst and Kimbers of the world.I dont care if you paid 800 for 3100 cable you still got fovered. Let look at MIT.If i suggested your preamp have bass and treble control almost all Audiophiles would jump on me.This is considered adding noise and junk to the signal path.Then why would anyone pay for cables with a box which is acting like a tone control.Is not pure and simple and un colered what we strive for.Yet people are takin in by MIT hype.They are coloring the sound by what is in their circuit.Tara labs ans others are also guility of this.Belive me you can find the wire of your dreams for 200\300 range.If you need an ego stroke go nuts.If you want bang for the buck.Get an Electricain to run dedicated lines.Thers is a good spot to sink 1k into.
You guys should marry.Mit and Spectral committ what amounts to fraud.These he two have gotten toghther to take fools like the both of you to the cleaners.What a joke.What Keith J know is there is a sucker born every second.You and eber with his long winded dribble should spare us your lame views.Both you so called Audiophiles should realize that they are coloring the sound.pay for wire not boxes with things that get into the signal path.Why dont you both just add Equalizers to your rigs.its the same as the houcus poucus Mit put in the box.Carl please stop the long winded bable.Your lost.
The point made by TAC is that 3100 cables are a joke.This is true and can be supported.If this MIT stuff was so good why can it be had used for less than 25% of its orignal value.Good product holds its value.Resale value of top notch gear is 50% and as much as 75% of original value.So when TAC make dont jump all over them to justify your foolishness take note they may be right.carl and Bundas you are self righteous and the self righteous are very dangerous.
One thing is never in dispute.if you dont agre with Carl you are allways wrong.Carl tell me you have been wrong at least once Right just once?