The $20K Soulution Audio 330 Integrated Amp is a Bargain ?

Can a $20K Integrated amp be a Bargain ? 
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Showing 2 responses by kennyc

+ @ speedbump6

"Bargain" is both subjective and relative.  Just because it's priced beyond one's means currently (money flows, times change, fortunes also) doesn't equate to being a non-bargain for all others.  

For instance, while shopping for my bucket list high-end audio system, the speakers which consistently sounded ideal for me was Magico and YG Acoustic speaker house sound.  YG is generally more expensive and few are available used, so I'm more focused on Magico.  

S5 mkII sells for ~$40k and a used Magico M3 ~$50k.  Last year Magico came out with the $10k (now $12.2k) A3 which was touted a bargain "relative" to their other offerings.  To me, the A3 sounded a bit light compared to their pricier offerings.  Now Magico has introduced the A5 at $22k which I read surpasses the $28k S3mkII sound and greatly surpasses the A3.

So for $22k you get the Magico sound from their custom cutting edge (to a price point) components along with their herculean vibration-deadening cabinet structure (180lbs each).  Seems like a bargain to me.
@ highend666
Audio gear often has a "house sound" as the products are tested/voiced by the same individuals who design the product.  Some manufactures such as Magico start with price-no-object goals, then latter try to find ways to cut manufacturing costs  thru cheaper parts, alternate engineering, less features, simpler executions, etc. while trying to maintain the sound quality as much as possible.

If you love the Soulution Audio house sound, find that their higher priced offerings relatively expensive for you, then their $20K Soulution Audio 330 Integrated Amp may well be a "bargain" for you.

If you are shopping for an integrated in this $20k ballpark, T+A  PA 3100 HV (and older PA 3000 HV) got great reviews and is considered a "bargain" - competing with expensive Swiss equipment. 

Also Constellation Audio Inspiration 1.0 integrated $15k is listed on TAS "50 Greatest Bargains in High-End Audio-2020".   A couple of years prior
Constellation Audio Inspiration separates preamp ($10k) + amp ($11k stereo,  $22k monoblocks) also made this same TAS list.