Thank You, to the Person Who Helped You the Most.

Many thanks to Jtinn. Without him my system would not exsist. The sound just gets better. I am sure many of us owe thanks to a "Special Person" for all their help and guidance.

Audio Aero Capitole Mk II,
Manley Neo Classic 250's,
Kharma Ceramique 1.0's,
Elrod Signature Power Cords.

A very simple system.

Many thanks to my mentor, Jtinn, most of all to my friend.

Showing 1 response by sean

I would like to say "THANK YOU" to my Father. If it was not for his love of music and audio electronics, i would have had a completely different outlook on life. It was through him that i became interested in both audio as a means to reproduce and enjoy music and to learn about electronics. As such, it was he that ended up helping me to choose both my hobbies and career in a very direct yet indirect manner. By simply being an "audiophile" and allowing me to partake in his "system", encouraging me to read and learn from his magazines ( primarily Audio and IAR ) and buying me my first "real" system, his guidance and love of this "hobby" helped to shape my life. For all of that and all the rest that goes along with being a "Dad", i owe him a lot.

Hopefully, if and when i ever have kids, i'll be able to do some of the same things that he did for me for my children. With that in mind, i hope that some of you that are already in this position take the time to share both music and audio with your children. As far as i'm concerned, both can be enjoyed on your own, but it's so much better when friends and family enjoy it with you. Sean