Thank You, to the Person Who Helped You the Most.

Many thanks to Jtinn. Without him my system would not exsist. The sound just gets better. I am sure many of us owe thanks to a "Special Person" for all their help and guidance.

Audio Aero Capitole Mk II,
Manley Neo Classic 250's,
Kharma Ceramique 1.0's,
Elrod Signature Power Cords.

A very simple system.

Many thanks to my mentor, Jtinn, most of all to my friend.

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I also would like to formally thank Jonathan Tinn. He has been a terrific resource and has never led me in the wrong direction. I'm extremely happy with my current setup and Jonathan has been the key factor (aside from my wallet) in putting it all together. I consider him my friend and personal "audio guru". Thanks, Jonathan.

Piega P-10's
Manley NeoClassic 250's
Audio Aero Capitole MKII