Thank you Audiogoner's for your civilized attitude

I am fairly new to Audiogon and have enjoyed reading posts, answering a few, and even asking some questions. I would like to thank everyone here for their always civil responses and very helpful insights.

On the other hand, I have been reading posts at AA and at and am surprised by the behavior of some responses in some threads at both places. It's almost as if posting at one or the other of them is similar to picking a fight with a paranoid drunk in a crowded bar.

I like lively debate as much as the next person - but I don't enjoy reading, or being the subject of personal insults and attacks such as I have observed at AA in various threads, and the vicious attacks leveled at some of the posts in the systems galleries at Audioreview.

Thanks again to Audiogon and all it's members for keeping the bar high and providing quality information exchange.

Showing 1 response by ozfly

Generally, folks here understand the subjectivity of the hobby. What sounds better? It depends.

That attitude, based on experience, makes all the difference. Plus, the knowledge level and/or enthusiasm of the posters is really something! That's a potent combination that leads to lots of relatively frictionless, but lively and engaging, discussions.