TFT V-caps installed in my tweeter XO in Omega DUO

Two days ago I replaced the stock 3,3 mF Mundorf/silver/gold with the v-caps.
The Mundorfs are probably one of the best caps any manufacturer put into their speakers.
This was an expensive gamble since I couldn't find anyone on this forum or Audiogon who has ever modded XO with these expensive caps.
I was lucky enough that Chris offered me to put them for 4 days on the cable cooker which acc to him is the same as many hundred hours of normal use so the caps were almost completely burned in.
Well at 7.30 pm I finished the installation and couldn't stop listening to jmusic until 7am the next morning and didn't make it to the office. These are so much better than the Mundorfs right from the start it is scary.
With shipping to my area in the far East they costs almost 1K but this is one of the best investments in Audio I've ever made. Highly recommended!

that's a difficult question. Keep in mind that original DUO's are using the standard Mundorf Supreme whereas the Omegas are using silver/gold ones with a dc biasing cuircuit so if you upgrade from standard supreme to teflon v-caps you will get an even bigger improvement than I got!!
Original DUOs is using 2 x 2,2 mF on each side for total value 4,4 mF. No v-cap with that value. You would have to buy 2 x 3,3 + 2 x 1 mF which woult set you back above 1K.
I think a very worthwhile investment!

Thanks for the information.... Do you have any thoughts on how the Omega upgrade breaks down (i.e. 70/30 for drivers vs caps)???....

Thanks again,


check out their webpage at

I agree Omega upgrade very expensive. the standard DUOs are coming with Mundorf supreme caps, 4,4 mF on each side. you would gain a lot changing the cheap Mundorf's to the v-caps. you would need 2 x 3,3 + 2 x 1 mF which would set you back mnore than 1K but would improve your DUOs quite a lot and much less costs than the omega kit!

I am not familiar with the Vcaps you speak of. What were the sonic gains? I would very much like to upgrade my Duos to Omega, but the price is way out of hand.
