Terence Balanchard - recommendation

Have enjoyed many recommendations from this forum over the years, so am returning the favor.

Just received Terence Blanchard's "A Tale of God's Will (A requiem for Katrina) and I have found myself playing it three times straight through -- a rarity for me. Those who enjoy very emotionally expressive trumpet playing (as opposed to pure speed) should enjoy this disc. The recording matches the quality of the performance, I think.

Would be interested to hear anyone else's impressions. Happy Listening!
Terence has all the elements that I love in a trumpeter, big bold golden tone, really tasty improv that sounds like no one else and consistently great sidemen. He's got one from about 15 years ago, "Fingerprints" ("Fingerpaints"? it that Chick Corea song) which is worth searching for. He and Russell Malone, on guitar, do a duo of "A Child is Born" that's gorgeous.

I've been buying every Terence Blanchard release I can find since finding Tale of God's Will. It's one of the best albums I've picked up this year, and still one of my favorites in my collection.
"A Tale of God's Will" is a beautiful and moving album. I first heard it at AKfest in Detroit this past spring. My buddy brought it to use as one of his demo selections. I've since picked it up myself and really enjoy it.
