1. What does "liquid metal" mean when it refers to cables? I have heard this term before but I have never read a description of it? The only liquid metal I am familiar with is mercury.
2. Referring to the testing done by Musicxyz and his friends, you say "All it sounds like is an unsubstantiated assertion you keep repeating ad nauseum to add credibility to what you say." Does this mean you are calling Musicxyz a liar or are you asking him for more information about his testing?
3. The tone of your comments is rather harsh, if I may say so. What does Musicxyz's identity have to do with the content of his posts? Are his comments any less valid than those of Teo dealers such as you who have an obvious bias? If Musicxyz has a bias of some sort would he not have the perfect right to that bias? If his bias comes from testing hundreds of cables would that bias not have some basis in fact since he and one other poster who is part of his group have stated their findings on this thread?
You say "All this because I dont like TEO cables the cable that you use, seriously?" Please note that Teo cables are not only the cables that Essential Audio uses. He has publicly stated on this thread that he is a Teo dealer. He has an obvious vested interest in making Teos cables look good and he has an obvious interest in discrediting anyone who makes Teos look bad. IMO.