Tenting home for termites

Just found out I will be needing to tent and fumigate my house for termites...... Darn!
Are there any concerns regarding my electronics, speakers (esp the drivers), or sensitive items like turntable cartridges??
From my reading on line so far, it seems that the gas disspates totally without a residue, but I wouldn't want to take any chances if there is any real risk. Have any of you gone thru this before??

Showing 4 responses by randy-11

find out what they are using and whether it is a neurotoxin

understand that a pesticide applicator does NOT have a PhD in Epidemiology and that chronic effects can occur even when acute effects are absent

worry about the stereo last

personally, I'd get my family and the stereo incl. speakers OUT and then take a month long vacation before returning
be sure to get all vegetation away from your home too

a Google search on 'termite pesticide' will be instructive
that is a neurotoxin - here is a short summary


I'd bag everything, then get the kids & family out and take that vacation

BTW, who said it totally dissipates?  And what are the breakdown products?