Tenor OTL 75wi vs 175s

I just bought a pair of Tenor OTL 75wi. I use it with a Lamm preamp. I do not know how exactly put it in words, this is the finest amplifier I have ever heard and that too by miles. It is unbelievably realistic sounding. The only little issue is, my Tannoy Turnberry SE seems to make this amp run out of gas for some kinds of music and at certain SPLs (not head banging SPLs). I cannot imagine letting go this amp. But I was wondering if it was worth saving up for the Tenor 175s which would give me all the headroom I would ever need but then the output stage is solid state and I do not know whether it can match up to the magic of all tube OTL 75. Has anyone heard the 175s and OTL 75 to give me an idea about how they compare ?

Changing the speaker is another option but I have kept it to the last because I absolutely love the Tannoys.

Showing 2 responses by atmasphere

Some obvious speaker recommendations are the Classic Audio Loudspeakers, also Audiokinesis. We've used both at shows with our OTLs of similar power to excellent effect!

Any speaker that is at least 8 ohms in the bass region (without dips below 6 ohms) and otherwise at least 93 db 1 watt/1 meter should do the job.

However looking at the specs of the speaker, it sounds to me like the amplifier has a malfunction- weak tubes, bad sockets, something like that. The speaker looks like it would be no problem for an OTL.
Pani, based on your post above I think the problem is you just don't have enough power.

So you might want to consider a more efficient loudspeaker or a more powerful amplifier. The problem is that you have heard what OTLs do and you are not going to be satisfied by a solid state amp, which might have plenty of power but really just won't have the finesse.

There are larger OTLs available.

plan B: get a set of speakers that are more efficient. I use the Classic Audio Loudspeakers mode T-3.4, which are about 98 db and 16 ohms (both the efficiency and the impedance are a boon!). With our M-60 OTLs I have to put on earplugs to actually be able to clip the amps as they can make 110db at the listening chair. My room is 17' x 21' 21'. I play all sorts of stuff including electronic music with plenty of thump- my speakers go down to 20Hz and I can literally shake my house with them. They are very satisfying, very detailed and very smooth, image beautifully and I've no complaints.

The only thing is they are not cheap. I think if you do the math and you are happy with your speakers that a more powerful OTL will be less expensive and will very likely sound even better.