Tenor amp / Coincident Total Victory combo

I will be receiving my Coincident Total Victory speakers in the near future. These are Mr. Blume's latest version with slightly upgraded parts in the crossover (he apparently already uses the best available) and a messaging of the tuned port to help lower a slight midbass bump. I am excited.

I am presently using his Coincident 300b mono's with Sophia 300b tubes. The amp sounds amazing.

Previous to the Total Victories I was using his regular Victory, now sold. The synergy between his amp and speaker was marvelous. The only thing lacking was the lower end. Luckily I had an Rel Strata lll sub. The TV's will not need a sub. Everything else was second to none IMO.

My next upgrade will likely be to an OTL. I have heard the Atma-Sphere's on a few occasions, and have always felt they where the best for my listening tastes.

I than heard the Tenor 75wi, and now the 150hp. Both these amps sounded as good (if not better) than the Atma's. I was wondering if anyone has paired any of these amps to any of the Coincident speakers.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

EMM combo for digital source, JA Michell/RS Labs/ ZYX 1000/ Groove for analog source.

Showing 1 response by speakerdude13f8

What kind of base did you put them on cousinbilly? It sounds like this base must have been made out of something real special for you to say you don't know what to do with the base Me, the only thing I ever do to the base is put the amp on it but you must have other ideas and I just wanted to find out what they were. How is the bass, by the way?