Tempted to buy a Macintosh

I am quite tempted to buy a Macintosh amp, and would like to learn more about it.

I have a Almarro 318B (18W) integrated and a Triode Lab 2A3 integrated.  For speakers, I have a set of Zu Omen Def I and Spatial Audio X5.  I haven’t heard a Masintosh in person.  I mainly like its retro look.  From reviews, I heard it has a very smooth sound, which may match with my listening preference.  I only listen to Jazz and Bossa Nova with low-medium volume.  And my questions are:

1) My speakers are efficient speakers and I listen in low volume.  So, I don’t need and want big power.  Is Macintosh a good match to my speakers?  I have no interest to change my speakers for now.

2) my budget is around $3000 for used equipment.  That is not a lot for a Mac.  So, it seems I would go for an integrated.  

3) I like tubes, but it seems Macintosh is more a SS brand.  And it seems there is no tube integrated.  The entry level MA252 is a hybrid with a tube preamp and SS amp.  I listen to some your tube video and it sounds great.  But of course, can’t draw any conclusion base on YouTube videos.  Is that a good choice to step into Macintosh world?  Or people would suggest to go different routes to get the full potential of Macintosh?  That is all SS, or separate tube pre amp (e.g. Coincident or Supratek) and power amp (MC275)?

Showing 8 responses by gte357s

@dill, thanks for pointing it out.  : )

@tuberist, yes, I think I either want a tube, or a SS with those cool blue meter.  I wonder how many people buy McIntosh because of those, LoL.  And your comment about SS will sound different likely very true.  That’s why I want to hear what other thinks.  Even though I like the look, the sound is more important.  If SS is the McIntosh thing, then I guess I will stay away from it until I am ready to change my whole set, to speakers like Focal or B&W.
there are McIntosh dealers in Vancouver, Canada.  It will be hard for me to find time to audition them due to the lock down with kids at home.  My question is more like, if there are successful story out there pairing McIntosh and efficient speakers like Zu.  And specifically people’s thought on MA252 compared to other models.  When I get a chance, I guess I can go to one of the dealer and try it with an Audio Note speaker if they have them on display.  The Audio Note are expensive and not a mainstream brand, but it is the only efficient speaker they have that is design for tube amps.
yes, I hear good thing about the MC275.  The only thing is I will need a preamp, which then increase the cost, and one more component to worry about having synergy.  If I am going to get a preamp, I read very good reviews on Supratek and Coincident which are $2000-$2500 used.  Together with the MC275 will be like $6000 .... 

and what’s your opinion on the 252?  I found this YouTube video with MA252 and Marten Duke 2 monitor speaker.  Honestly, I am shocked by the mid bass in that video with such a small monitor speaker.  I wonder if a subwoofer is placed somewhere, or it is because of the 252.
Thank you for all the feedbacks, need some time to digest all the information.  But using a passive preamp, or go direct from the DAC to the MC275 is something I will look into.   I actually, I don’t know what determines if a preamp is needed.  I definitely don’t need more volume.  My 18w Almarro usually set between 9-11 o’clock, and the colume in my computer is 1/3 - 1/2.  If I play from computer, then yes, I can control volume from in the computer.  I am using a audio-gd NFB3 and still waiting for a Topping dx7 pro.  Below is the product page of the DX7, towards the bottom has RCA output specification, but it doesn’t mentioned anything in ohms or V.  Can I connect it directly to Mc275?  


How can I tell if certain model has the Autoformers or not?  I don’t see this mentioned in the specifications.  
@aberyclark thanks for your input, that’s what I am worried.  In fact, I just received the 2A3 tube and test out a 4 W SET amp.  It matches better than the 18W Almarro, I feel.  So, I feel the MA275 is not a good match with my speakers, too much power.
@treynolds155 The MHA100 is interesting.  Wow, it is like a Swiss Army knife.  It can be a all in one, but it also has a preamp out so it acts as a DAC+preamp?  That’s a plus which opens up option to buy a power amp.  There are some power amps I am interested such as the Yamamoto A08s.  Can I bypass the headphone amp section when I use it for speakers?  One concern is usually, something must be sacrificed when cramping more features and keeping the budget.  It would be even better to have a DAC out to my integrated amp?  I just bought a Topping D7x DAC.  
No matter how I like McIntosh, it seems it won’t match my speaker.  Definitely over power.  At the beginning, I though more power is not necessarily a bad thing.  Yes, the volume gained can be a problem, but I read it will give tighter bass.  I also read that higher power amp “May” also have less detailed, and have more stress on mid range.  This is exactly how I feel when using my Almarro on the Spatial Audio X5.  I think if my speakers don’t have a power subwoofer, then the extra power can be beneficial.  However, with my Zu and Spatial X5, McIntosh seems really not a good match.  But thanks for helping me to learn more about McIntosh.