Tekton Open Baffle Speakers

I see they have new open baffle speakers with 15 inch woofers that can be pre-ordered for 3000 bucks.  After the pre-order period they will be 7K.

Has anyone heard a prototype of this speaker?  At this price point it's tempting to order and sell if I don't like it.  I have 4 two channel systems and a vibrant stereo kit graveyard.

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Showing 1 response by corelli

Tekton in my opinion has offered huge value historically. Both the DI and Electron SE I own not only offer excellent sound with few weaknesses but their parts cost/retails price ratio is huge.

This open baffle project seems to be an exception to that rule. Maybe I am missing some info here given the limited data on the Tekton website.

I also wonder about the fact some open baffle designs seem to limit the rear wave to bass only. Seems like you would want that to extend higher into the midrange as well to capture some of the open sound OB speakers are known for.