Tekton Open Baffle Speakers

I see they have new open baffle speakers with 15 inch woofers that can be pre-ordered for 3000 bucks.  After the pre-order period they will be 7K.

Has anyone heard a prototype of this speaker?  At this price point it's tempting to order and sell if I don't like it.  I have 4 two channel systems and a vibrant stereo kit graveyard.

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjaymark

Showing 1 response by boomerbillone

Hello JayMark!  Open Baffle speakers are not "Plop and play" speakers. They can be difficult to position for the best result. I have been using open baffle speakers for decades, but understand their quirks. Properly positioned, they are very hard to beat. By the way, they are very easy to build. No great carpentry needed. An electronic crossover can be had for $100. (A passive crossover can easily cost more if you use top tier parts.) So for the price of an extra stereo amp and a little plywood, you can buy four very nice drivers for less than $500 - and Bingo! Mods ar very easy to make. You're in the open baffle club! Think about it, at $7,000 a pair, what are you paying for? Two tweeters, two woofers, and a board? Happy Listening.