Tekton OB Sigmas

Has anyone compared the Sigmas with the Spatial Hologram M3 Turbo S speakers or other Tektons like the Electrons or DIs? Like the latter, Teajay gave the Sigmas a rave review.

Showing 1 response by yakbob

Lula, I own the M3 Turbo S (purchased in August with their 60 day in home trial). The risk free trial is what pushed me to go for it. They are a great all round speaker but can be picky about placement (at least a couple feet from the front wall, and in my home, much wider spacing than every other speaker I've owned.

The Sigma OB speakers are intriguing and due to the lower cabinet design, may be easier to place. Their, new, lower price is certainly attractive. Tekton's popularity here and on other forums would probably make them an easy sell if they didn't work out. Let us know if you've had a chance to hear them!