Tekton Impact Comparisons

I am currently looking for new speakers.
I have vintage ADS L9e monitor speakers and although they still sound great, I know that speakers 
have come a long way over time.
I have read some great reviews on the Tekton Impact speakers, as well as the Spatial Audio M4 Turbos and the Monitor Audio Silver 300.
My budget is approximately $2,000.
I know that a review of any audio product is one thing, and listening to that product is another.
My problem is that I live in northeast Ohio, between Pittsburgh and Cleveland, so there is no opportunity to listen to the Spatial Audio's, and of course Tekton has no retail stores.
I know that I could buy either pair, sample and return if not satisfied, but I'm not thrilled with the expense of return shipping.
Since listening is not an option except for the Monitor Audio speakers, and since I do value the opinions on this site, I wanted to know if anyone has done a comparison of these, or similarly priced speakers.
My listening area is 20 x 25, and my tastes are eclectic, from Genesis, Zeppelin, and Floyd to Earl Klugh, Grover Washington, Diana Krall and Joe Bonamassa.
I currently have a Yamaha A S801 with a good built-in DAC, an MM phono input and Yamaha CD player.
Any thoughts, suggestions or comments would be appreciated.
Not sure why people ignore the Tekton Electrons so much. They are a more compact version of the DI’s and look a heck of lot better in a living room environment. The Electrons are still over your budget anyways. Good luck!
If I was single and did not have to worry about the WAF, I would definitely demo the speakers at home for the small fee.
Since that is not a viable option, given the comparison of the GX300 Gold speakers with the Tektons, as well as the efficiency ratings that allow for more options, I will probably pull the trigger on the DI's and sit back and enjoy the music.
Thank you for your replies.

With all of the positive and negative chatter about Tekton, I don’t remember any speaker brand having this much buzz about them.

I replaced my Monitor Audio GX300 Gold speakers with the Tekton Double Impacts. I liked the Monitor Audio but I found the DIs to sound far more real with less coloration and the efficiency rating allows for many more amplifier options.

I know that I could buy either pair, sample and return if not satisfied, but I'm not thrilled with the expense of return shipping.

For 10% of your budgeted amount, you have the luxury of auditioning two very good speakers, head to head, in you own audio room, with your current components and peripherals. Consider that 10% Fee, and carrying the extra 2K on your credit card for a month, a Down Payment on putting you on the road that has smart written all over it.

If financial reasons are paramount, accept either as a great option and don't second guess yourself. All the best.