Tekton Double Impact vs. Vandersteen 2ce sig II

Good evening folks, just looking for opinions on the Tektons vs. the Vandersteens. They are both right around the same ballpark in price (3k) so should be a fair fight. I have been a Vandersteen fan for a long time. I have their old 2C and find it to be a very special speaker and is musical in a way that is hard to describe. Recently I heard the Treo CT and it was on a whole other level of clarity and musicality, but still with that signature Vandy sound. Alas, they are $8400, so cannot afford right now. I am rather new to the forums and the Tektons caught my eye. Are these really all that and a bag of chips? people seem to be swooning over them (at least in 2017, I am only about 30 pages in the giant thread, so maybe the enthusiasm has died down by now?) Anyway, Just wanted to get some opinions from any folks who have heard both and what they liked best and why. Thanks for your time.

Showing 2 responses by bstatmeister

Yes extremely interested in folks who have loved the Vandersteen sound for so long and then heard the DIs and then were converted. I wonder if there is anyone out there that fits this description.

I already had one guy PM me and tell me we was going to buy the Quatros, but when he heard the DI's he didn't feel the need to look any further.
Yeah, I think the Vandersteen would likely win in the build quality department, but never seen the DIs up in person so it would only be an assumption. In the pics I've seen, the woofers do look so a little suspect which gives me pause for concern, but you just can't ignore all the positives people are saying about them. They really do sound to good to be true (and as we all know, when it's too good to be true it probably is), but perhaps this one of those rare case exceptions?
I know only my ears will be the judge, but still looking for folks who have tried both.