Tekton Double Impact phase issues?

Showed a photo of the DI's to one of Agon's most respected members and one of the things he said stuck with me. This member had a feeling that there might be phase issues. I am too new to the hobby to be sure what this might be or how such an issue may sound. Am hoping to travel to Houston for an audition at the dealership and want to make sure I know what to listen for in this matter. Are their particular recordings to use that may be able to test this possible phase problem? Many thanks.

No It's my birth year,yes I know I'm getting old.

I haven't changed my original description of the Di speaker I just gave a few more of the specs.

You are correct the mids and 6 outer tweeters share frequency output from 680Hz to 2K and then the 6outer tweeters play up to 10K. So I guess I could say that the majority of the all important presence range 1K or 2K to about 4K is covered by the 6 outer tweeters only and I think that is a key aspect in this design for the sound that they achieve.
Meaning,having very good clarity and enough detail but also being delicate and sounding more natural then any speaker that I have ever owned and rivals many high end speakers that I have heard.

Our room which is 20x25x9 ft has a open kitchen adjoining and I have also noticed great coherent sound in that room, I personally think It's just a byproduct of having a speaker that sounds so real and natural to begin with.

I hope I have helped you better understand this speaker,


Kdude99(in heart):

Your answers are always well thought out and helpful -- you deserve a thanks from all of us who visit the Tekton threads.

Hey guys, I'm new here, just wanted to give my 2cents on th di's, I've had a few pretty decent speakers in the past,(fried valhallas, Anthony gallo 3's with sa amp, dunlavy sc4/a's) a few of my favs, anyway all sound great, but my never ending itch bought me a pair of di's, I'll admit I was sceptical but man! These things do everything good, better by far in every regard than any of the speakers mentioned above, I've only had them for a few days now and I'm already saying these things, call me crazy but I just go where my ears take me
Is there a generally accepted minimum room size for the DI's? I wonder if my 15 by 17 foot room (well damped) may be too small.
That's close to my room size and they do very well. I have early and secondary reflection points treated. Where big speakers are concerned they have turned out to be very room friendly.