Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering

Like many of you, I have been pondering purchasing these speakers but am very curious about the unusual tweeter array. I asked the smartest speaker person that I know (he is a student of Sean Olive) about the design and below is what he had to say.   

"In theory it could work, but the driver spacing means that the crossover point would need to be very low.
He is using the SB acoustics tweeter which is 72mm in diameter, center to center on the outside opposing drivers is around 5.7 inches, which is about 2400Hz. This means that combing would stop between 1/4 to 1/2 of the wavelength (between 1200-600Hz) is where the outside tweeters should start playing nice with each other.
Since he is not using low enough crossover points he has created a comb filtering monster. Now while it's not the great point source that was promised, it's no worse than most line arrays and the combing will average itself out given enough listening distance.

The MTM spacing on the other hand is ridiculous. Hopefully he is cutting the top end off on one of those midrange drivers to avoid combing."


Showing 15 responses by grannyring


Can you help us better understand how your expert friend is testing and measuring the DI speaker? I am sure he must have a pair to take measurements of. Did he actually precisely measure all the details he is talking about? I assume he has the crossovers in hand and knows the precise workings and design of it.

Surely he is not speculating and has first hand knowledge?

Oh wait, he has no idea as he Doesn’t know the precise crossover points. His quote proves that in your comments. Oh, he has never touched a DI speaker with his expert hands. Am I correct? Please confirm.
Is is possible that after having an actual set in his possession, and running actual tests, he would come to a very different conclusion? Please comment. 

I have read many of your other posts and think you are a reasoned Agoner. Please comment on the fact that this is all speculation and none of it is factual or helpful to our fellow group of music lovers here. We do have a level of responsibility here when we post. Other audiophiles come here to learn and make buying decisions. We should help, not hurt this process.
Ok, he does not have a pair to measure the actual driver distances, determine crossover points, test response, etc.... I guess he is looking at pictures..LOL!

Please own up to the fact that your post is mere speculation and irresponsible at best. 
 Agreed , it's great to ask questions about any product and that's what these forums are for However the OP is really not asking a question but throwing the statement out here based on nothing really There is a difference. 

It is a negative comment and not a question. So now the rest of us are asking him to back up his comment. It is his comment as he chose to use quotes from a friend of his.

Sean, if your intent was to post it as a question, then we all see the usefulness of it. Your post does not come across that way when you read it the whole thing. This is exactly what @charles1dad said earlier. I guess there is room for confusion in regards to intent.

I had wrongly assumed you were taking a cheap shot on the design as many others have here on the Gon and elsewhere. Sorry for that.  

I better understand you now and it is ceratinly a fair question to gain better clarity on. My other comments as to wether or not the individual actually tested and listened to the speakers holds. All speculation and sometimes a little knowledge is dangerous without all the facts:)

Yes indeed.  A good room correction piece of gear would mate wonderfully with the DI. 
Mission, we disagree. I am very happy you have had good fortune buying and selling. Be thankful. For the record, you don’t have near the experience as I and many others selling gear. Just look at our feedback. The current market is slow, very slow, and chances are very strong you will not make money on your buying and selling today. Perhaps you are an Audiogon sage of sorts with better selling skills then us common Aphiles. Perhaps a little luck on your few transactions also played a role. 
Well the alternative is to spend $7000 on a used set of speakers you then decide you want to sell and Incur all those selling costs . Or spend $10,000 on a new set that does not sound as good and then take a big loss? I guess it all depends on your perspective.
This DIY guy says your the Man! Love reading what you did and you have now worked me up into DIY frenzy. I must do something else to my current speakers😊

I have found the types of improvements you outlined above will improve the sound of any and all speakers. Builders must build to a certain price point and we all get that. 

Now i I must smell some solder.....
Interesting review. I was a bit taken back when the reviewer said that folks who like Harbeth, Audio Note, and Acoustic Vienna speakers would not find the Tekton Brilliance sound to their liking? I owned two of the three and loved them. Big fan of Harbeth in particular. I love how easy they are to listen to. Never aggressive or in your face. Always musical and composed. Audio Note speakers are also supremely musical.

What is is the point by the reviewer here? The Tekton design is not those things? It is much more lively and too pumped up for us Harbeth lovers? He also started the review with a big question mark that he really never sorted out well for us. The speaker went from sounding broken to amazing with no changes, burn in.......no real explanation other than his ears got used to them I suppose.

Then his friend really did not like the speakers from his initial listen and did not change his mind.

Contemplating the review one could easily, and reasonably, conclude that these speakers can be polarizing due to their additional brilliance and lively personality. Wonder how true this is for the DI? Love to hear more comments on this.

I least that that is how I read the review.

Well, you don’t know, I don’t know, but the happy owners know.  You must buy and try.  Simple stuff here.
7. Reasonable profit margin.

The High End audio industry is full of outrageous margin pricing. Companies like Tekton and Core Power Technology are making world class products with reasonable margin expectations so many audiophiles can enjoy their products!
Fact is most speakers "internals" cost very, very little that sell for $10,000-$20,000 new.  You won't find copper foil caps and top flight resistors from Path Audio or Duelund.  You will find sand cast resistors, electrolytic caps, less expensive poly caps and on and on.....The DI speakers may use the same cost parts, but they sell for far less.   The design is so good that they also sound great with average parts.