Tekton Double Impact & Comb Filtering

Like many of you, I have been pondering purchasing these speakers but am very curious about the unusual tweeter array. I asked the smartest speaker person that I know (he is a student of Sean Olive) about the design and below is what he had to say.   

"In theory it could work, but the driver spacing means that the crossover point would need to be very low.
He is using the SB acoustics tweeter which is 72mm in diameter, center to center on the outside opposing drivers is around 5.7 inches, which is about 2400Hz. This means that combing would stop between 1/4 to 1/2 of the wavelength (between 1200-600Hz) is where the outside tweeters should start playing nice with each other.
Since he is not using low enough crossover points he has created a comb filtering monster. Now while it's not the great point source that was promised, it's no worse than most line arrays and the combing will average itself out given enough listening distance.

The MTM spacing on the other hand is ridiculous. Hopefully he is cutting the top end off on one of those midrange drivers to avoid combing."


Showing 10 responses by kdude66


Very valid points.

We all have a certain responsibility to these threads to report the truth of a product the best we can and pure "Speculation" without even listening or owning the product is really not a opinion that means anything substantial.

You always have to remember folks are reading these threads and they use these informed opinions to base their purchasing decisions.

I personally don't comment on any product unless I have actually listened to it or own it,Now I know I'm luckier than some in that being a member of a local audio club I get to listen,borrow and loan all kinds of top gear.

Disclaimer,I'm not just talking about this thread or only Tekton speakers,I'm talking in general terms.


I may sell my DI speakers soon and buy a pair of their Ulf's or mini Ulf's I haven't decided but I'm wandering if you would like to buy my DI's if I do sale.

"Well, you don’t know, I don’t know, but the happy owners know. You must buy and try. Simple stuff here."

I would agree and so glad I did pony up the measly 3K.

I'm still searching for that comb in the filter haven't found it yet.

All I can say for now,
If you want to hear every little nuance and really hear into the inner detail of your recordings than a Tekton design might be your speaker.

Taking in consideration of the info that has been posted here on the comb filtering issue in the next few days I will wear my audiophile hat and do my best to sort this out.I'ts going to tough to keep that hat on because my system is so engaging in sonics and musicality though.

I'm wandering if anybody knows if the big Ulf speaker will require 2 patent's because of the double tweeter array's.

I have but the 2 different speakers are like comparing apples to oranges when it comes to all that technical stuff.

I'm a open minded kind of guy and I'm being serious and I do my best to respect other people's opinions for the overall learning experience but I honestly don't see anything in common between the 2 completely different speakers other than that each have quite a few more drivers.


"213, keep on speculating, call Eric if you dare."

And order your own set of Tekton's while your on the phone,
Then you could tell us all about them.
