Tekton Design Moab

Ordered a pair just now. In Dark Gray, to which Tammy immediately said, "Oh the Charcoal is beautiful!" Charcoal sounds better than Dark Gray (even though we are talking about the same color!) so Charcoal it is!  

My beloved Talon Khorus do still sound awfully good. It will be interesting to see how the Moabs stock out of the box compare with these tweaked and modded warhorses. Both the strength, and the weakness, of the Khorus is using the 10" woofer to cover so much midrange. Its a strength because it makes for a very smooth and cohesive sound. But its a weakness because its asking a lot of such a large driver to go so high. Talon makes up for it with their isobaric design. Mounted inside and directly behind the woofer is another identical driver facing the opposite direction. The idea is this relieves the front facing driver of having to compress the air inside the cabinet. This does allow for a much faster response, and is a big reason for the wonderful music the Khorus produces. 

I have a feeling however it is no match for Eric Alexander's ultra-low mass driver array solution. Only one way to know for sure. So we will just have to see!  


Showing 50 responses by millercarbon

Called and talked to Eric. The re-engineering he talked about involves a whole new crossover design. The Ulfberht tweeters use two magnets and are 2dB more than the ones in the Moab. Really should record these calls as the detailed tech that flows out when he starts talking is amazing and hard to keep up with even for me. After a while I said it sounds like much more than a tweeter upgrade, with that kind of difference you have them matched to the bass drivers in the Ulf, which are different than the bass drivers in the Moab. "That's right." 

Actually I sort of saw this one coming and was kind of amazed he was so willing to do this. Even when it came right down to doing it he is still willing just wanting to make sure I understand he has to voice the whole thing to the new drivers.  

Well he can be willing and he can probably even be able but the fact remains its not gonna be like the Moab that he spent who knows how much time getting dialed in, and has continued to refine even in production. So it was kind of a pipe dream but a nice one while it lasted. I told him let's not try and put legs on a snake, go with the WaveCor tweeters. 

They will still have his normal internal upgrades- wire, caps, binding posts. But that's it. They should be completed, tested, and shipped out next week.    https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367
That's interesting, and a very valid decision. I am a bit adventurous and probably would have let him do his thing and trusted the result would be good.

That's what I did. Let him go to do his thing and trusted the result would be good. He literally said I could do my shake and bake or trust him. I decided to trust him. The alternative would be me, a guy who has built only a few speakers, telling the guy who'e speakers win awards to build 'em my way. Not even.

The point isn't even anything to do with the speakers. The point is even with everything else going on he is willing to do custom one-off requests. If its not unprecedented in the world of high end, its still pretty darn impressive.
Right you are speedbump6 and that is something I've written about extensively. In a perfect world we would all have access to compare everything in our own system. One of the reasons I was able to come so far so fast was having a very accomplished dealer mentor me with the ability to do just that. But he retired and even if still around nobody even a great dealer has access to everything you might be interested in. This stuff is so niche its impossible. So my approach is to read and glean all I can from everywhere and everyone. There's just a tremendous amount of information out there- if you know how to look for it.  

Raysmtb1 lists a lot of the same things that influenced me to pull the trigger. For all my reading I did not know Eric always wanted to be a speaker builder! Got jobs to learn the business from the inside. Had no idea. Had some inklings, because talking with him little details spilled out he obviously has tremendous depth of knowledge. Deep, and wide. But I had no idea. Great story. Thanks!

Old Dominion now has them on their dock in Seattle, and I just scheduled delivery for Thursday, when I will have the whole day free. Woo-hoo!
If you're so determined to shill your products Robert, how about you start your own thread dedicated to your biased and self-serving marketing? We know the answer: nobody would tune in. This thread gets you exposure. Only not quite the kind you had in mind. That's a huge amount of space you just wasted on your pseudo-intellectual high-minded pretense laden load of bull, and it is NOT appreciated.

One thing about Townshend, not only are their products better, they have way more class and character than you could ever even dream of. 

Move along. Please.
And there you have it folks, the speaker so good it actually saves lives!
The man who motivated me to post my system in the first place, noromance, writes:
Who cares if the OP keeps posting links to his system? Other forums allow signature footers in posts where you can see the gear listed.
The only issue I do have with this post is that the Moabs are not stock. Nevertheless, looking forward to his impressions. Without the swarm.
Thank you, btw, for asking way back in January. Photographing and writing it up was a lot of extra work, but well worth it. Way more people appreciate it than not.

The few who don't, and get snarky, it has the unintended consequence of me posting the link even more. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 It would indeed become my tagline were it not for the fact I have a better one: Go and listen, you will see.  

Another unintended consequence: they get put on the schlemiel list. (Didn't see that one coming....)

My Moabs will of course be stock. What else could they be? Heavily optioned is still stock. Not that mine will be heavily optioned. Not any more. The original tweeter upgrade idea is no more. They are being built exactly as any other pair of Moabs ordered with the standard internal wiring, speaker terminal, etc upgrade. Just like bi-wire can be ordered. Nothing out of the ordinary.  
Seems like some people that have spent lots of money on their speakers can’t wrap their head around the idea that you can get 40k sound for $4,500. You just don’t get the expensive pretty box.
Good to see someone new with a clue. Well done. Been barraged lately with noobs without even enough sense to keep their ignorant opinions to themselves.

Which if they didn’t learn econ in school they could at least read the thread. If Eric did just one thing different- sold through a dealer- that would instantly more than double the price to $10k. Because volume would be less at $10k so higher unit cost so up the price to maintain the margin. It really is pathetic having to explain such basic business matters but oh well, what they skipped class to learn I get to teach them here.

Of course hardly anyone is gonna pay $10k for a speaker that looks like that. Cabinetry is the biggest cost factor. By the time Eric makes them look as good as these know-it-alls think it should it doubles the cost again. Except, lo and behold, same volume problem. Even fewer $20k speakers. Not to mention people are already nitpicking him for driver quality even at $4500 can you imagine what the midwits are gonna say at $20k?? So here we go again and now sure enough we do have a $40k speaker and still no one is satisfied because even though they can audition them only five dealers in the big cities have them because that’s the only place with enough population to move $40k speakers.

Now this may be a lot to ask of people clearly not inclined to even the tiniest mental effort but plastered right on the product page of Moab and Ulf and Encore is precisely the company mission, to provide quality speakers that are NOT expensive museum pieces.

There. I said I wasn’t going to respond to truculent dolts and went ahead and did it anyway. For all the good it will do. Such people never admit they totally blew it, have no shame, and just keep going and going and going.

If only they would keep right on going on to another thread.....
Wait had nothing to do with it. Was simply the reality of this would make it a whole new speaker. Replacing tweeters is a lot different than upgrading wire. Its not like you just get more of everything. The Moab drivers were selected to work well together, just as they were selected to work together in the Ulf. They are all different drivers. Just as in Double Impacts. All much more different speakers than superficial appearance implies. Once Eric got me thinking it took about three seconds to realize this was not nearly so good an idea as it seemed.

Teajay is one of the few with a good working knowledge of Moab and Ulfberht. I called him looking for info on the Ulfberht. Which he immediately said get the Moabs, they’re so close, its only the tiny bit of bass the Ulfs extra mid-bass drivers handle, is just a shade better. Never a word of midrange, nothing about tweeters, and he owns Ulfberhts.

So he didn’t find the tweeters worth mentioning. For that I’m gonna risk a re-engineered crossover? No thanks. Like I said this took all of three seconds once I thought about it. 
Aw man like I wasn't Jonesing enough as it is! Spent the weekend Walker Enzyme-ing my records, they've never been cleaner- or at any rate LOOK clean, since I have no way of listening to them! 
Well let me tell you I don’t think you’ll be disappointed. I listen to my system a minimum of four hours a day and the speakers really are remarkable. 

The Moab tweeter array has what Eric calls "meaningful output" beginning at 220Hz. That is below midrange. That is getting into the bass. Well the array is after all equivalent to a single 9" driver. Plenty of speakers with 10" woofers. So very conservative for the array to handle. At the same time 220 Hz is no great stretch for the woofer.  

This whole range from 220 on up is all handled by essentially the same driver. Most if not all other speakers use different drivers for midrange and treble. We just got through seeing how even two very similar tweeters are different. Imagine how much difference then between the midrange driver and the tweeter in every other speaker design. There's just no way they can sound the same! One thing teajay mentioned in recommending not going Be is the continuity of having all the same type drivers.

No wonder everyone gushes about the midrange. Who else has essentially the same driver covering 220Hz and up? Its not all one driver, but its all the same driver!

I'm thinking unpacking video, setup montage, maybe tease a needle drop in there. But no in-room audio. Leave em wanting more. That'll be good for another link. Then every schlemiel comes along and bugs me about it, up goes another video. Who knows, if they keep at it, could develop into a whole YouTube Channel for me.
Because I sold my Talon Khorus a lot faster than expected. Put them on CL and got lucky, had them priced high for wiggle room but the first guy to hear them was so impressed he didn't even try and negotiate. In fact I wound up selling him an old Tim deParavincini Product 8 amp and some stuff from my old cable drawer, altogether almost enough to cover the Moabs. So what was I gonna do? lol!   
They're scheduled to be delivered Thursday!
If I don't like them? After all this? Seppuku, I guess.
And the DI is itself a very impressive and highly regarded speaker. While researching my purchase I came across several saying the DI is end game quality. My thinking was, his premise is low mass, low transverse friction, and the array. Everyone focuses on the array, but really its all three. The lower level speakers lack the budget to do the array, but if he's right then the low mass low friction should equal outperformance- and it does. The mid level speakers like the DI have an array, but half the size. If the array is all its cracked up to be they should really outperform- and they do. Finally the top few models feature 15 tweeter arrays- and sure enough they are all considered giant killers.  

The detail you describe is exactly what I would expect to hear. Its there on other speakers of course, just not nearly to the same extent. Probably because of exactly what Eric says, the laws of physics dictate that if you try and do that the upper harmonics will be damped or attenuated in proportion to the mass. Because you simply cannot make anything high mass move like something low mass. It really is basic physics.

What you are talking about, the guitar string doesn't even just slide off the finger, it slides from fingerprint ridge to fingerprint ridge as it slides off the finger. Or it gets plucked by a fingernail or guitar pick. Each with its own distinct sound, the details of which are lost in most systems and speakers. Violin strings are not uniformly excited into perfect sine waves, the bow string is coarse and grainy and so is more like a series of sharp tugs and releases on the string.

There's more than one way to skin a cat of course and a lot of this same detail can be revealed other than with speakers. Ultimately though I was getting to the point it felt the speakers were obscuring more of this than anything else. Its really encouraging hearing you say this.  

I think most of us are waiting for Miller carbons review! My comments above were all meant to be funny

I cannot wait to read the millercarbon experience with them..... :)

By happy coincidence, I cannot wait to write the millercarbon experience with them!
If there's so much interest in Roberts questionable products and even more suspect business practices why not start a thread devoted to it? Seriously. I wish no harm. Just wish for you and your products and your business practices to be gone from this thread.

Move along. Please.
When I first talked to teajay about this, without even being asked he said don't bother. I'd already decided not to but it was nice to hear him say the same thing. Its not needed, and there's better continuity with using all the same drivers. I guess you could go all Be, but then with that kind of money on the table why would you not go Ulfberht? 

Everyone's situation is different. As teajay said, you could buy an awful lot of stuff with the difference in price. My thinking exactly. For the same total cost I could have a Moab with all Be, Ulfberhts, or Moabs AND a Raven Osprey. There is no doubt in my mind that Moab/Osprey will outperform. So for me it is clear. But that's just me.
There seems to be alot of skeptics about tekton speakers and that millercarbon's review will be based on his opinion before he gets them. I have been an audiophile for 47 years and have heard speakers in all price ranges over the years. I have had my moab's since last November and I can tell you the soundstage and dynamics will compare to anything even 10 times their price. Some seem to be a bit snobbish in their thinking that tekton's are "budgets" speakers and those that can't afford more have to settle for less makes it obvious they have not heard them.

Thanks. My due diligence turned up a lot of people with a very similar experience and comments.

The flip side of "budget" is "value". I'm a high value buyer. The whole Tekton line seems to offer really high value for money. Moabs maybe even a little more so. Their owners sure seem to think so.
I am going to purchase one of them but without being able to audition both options to hear the difference I must rely on your personal experiences. 
When are you thinking of ordering? It is about a 2 month wait on Moabs, no idea how long on Double Impact.

Sorry man that guy is so tedious, and just will not give it up.

As to your questions:

Mahgister uses slightly different terms like embedding, but ultimately what he describes is virtually identical to my three principles or areas of control: mechanical vibrations, acoustic vibrations, and electric fields.

Mechanical vibrations are everything that moves, which by the way is everything. Acoustic vibrations are mechanical vibrations too, just for the most part in air and within sonic range. Electric fields are hopefully self-explanatory- except it helps a lot to keep in mind everything is electric fields. All the atoms in the air, walls, speakers, wire- all of them- behave almost entirely according to electron shell interactions. So its all electric fields. We arbitrarily divide them up for convenience.

Okay so in this view isolation is sort of beside the point. Everything vibrates, the Earth is the least of it. Vast majority of vibrations are coming from the system itself. All the wires, components, and for sure the speakers. Then of course the walls and everything in the room. Everything vibrating, mostly from having been excited by the system itself. In this view then its about controlling all this vibration. Much more useful to think of it this way.

So the Moabs will have the same BDR Cones under them. With BDR Round Things under the Cones. Are they still the best? Probably not. Its been 30 years! But I don’t upgrade baby steps and nothing I can be sure is a whole lot better isn’t also a whole lot more money, so the speakers go on BDR.

Since you asked, the way this stuff works, carbon fiber being a composite material with inherently high damping properties combines with a dense hard resin to produce a material that essentially does not vibrate at all at sonic frequencies but only much higher. In other words it converts sonic energy into heat and ultrasonic vibration.

That’s the technical story, which as you know I regard as mere narrative. But since you asked... What I care about is how it sounds. I’ve used this stuff under more different components and in more different systems than you would believe. Huge improvement in dynamics, clarity, inner detail, extension at both ends, and all this in a very even uniform across the board manner. Image palpability and focus, soundstage width and depth, air and presence, all of it. Its why my turntable is made out of the stuff. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367

That’s an awful lot of BDR there. Think of how many times people have said its not a good idea to use too much of any one thing. Well that’s because few things are truly neutral. Everything has its own peculiar sonic signature. This stuff does too of course. But look at the comment Mike left. Whatever signature BDR has it must be pretty darn close to neutral. That’s why it was under the Khorus. That’s why its going under the Moabs.
Not true. The post you claim I started was responding to shelter in place which was the first time it was brought up, not by me. And with that cal, you lose. Move along. Please.
Its ongoing. You mean well but honestly after much study and consideration the best thing is benign neglect. If you want to help then at least on this thread please consider simply not responding to anyone habitually abusing the privilege. Let's just leave it at that. Ignore them. Don't even ask them to move along. Just ignore them and hope that they do. Move along, I mean.  
I would sure appreciate it.
I am curious about the WAYS you will make them sound at their optimal potential....

Initial setup will be almost exactly where the Khorus were, as this has been ideal for several different speakers. They will be toed in to focus several feet behind me, ie R pointed at R shoulder, L at L shoulder. This has been my preference with several other speakers, and Eric recommends it as well. Their locations will be as absolutely level and symmetrical as I can manage, ie well within 1/16". In other words almost exactly the same as the Khorus.
Despite their large size this should actually be a bit easier, as the Khorus were a tapered obelisk shape while these are nice and square. Perfect for laser leveling and aiming.  

As cool as the laser is my main means of assuring perfect symmetry is to measure from the side and front walls to three corners of each speaker. The laser is more of a double-check. Probably more important with these since they are so tall, they could be perfect at the base and even a slight tilt put them way off at tweeter level. Being even slightly off ruins imaging so we want to get it right.

Wish I had something fancy but it will probably be turning a Cone to raise or lower, then shim it up nice and snug once its right. HFT speaker kit and ready to rumble!

I dont think that you will be able to explain that and appreciate them fully at first listening, except if you hate them from the beginning...

So now I'm looking at the Encores.
Anyone have 1st ear knowledge about them? 
Moab vs Encore?

Well this is the Tekton thread. I didn't look into Encores too deep. When it got to the point I knew a lot and was close to a decision it was going to be Ulfberhts. Called teajay who is a reviewer and owns Ulfs, first thing he said was get the Moabs, they are extremely close for half the price. My general impression is Encores are maybe even closer but also a lot closer on price. They are also slightly different size. You might look at the size difference and say that's silly, but there's one who had Eric make Encore sized Moabs. People wonder why Eric makes so many different speakers. It gives people these choices. Do a search. DYODD.
Well to get back on subject I also put isolation feet on my moabs from svs. Seemed to tighten up the bass alittle. 

Congratulations. On the Moabs I mean. What color? When? We need details!

Mine will of course be on the same BDR Cones and Round Things as worked so well under the Talons. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367
This is the Tekton Moab thread. It is advisable to read through from the beginning, paying special attention to the posts of the thread starter. Along the way there are a couple posts that are a bit unusual and merit your special attention. If your posts and questions are being ignored by the thread starter, there you will find out why. To those who are not subject to that, and especially our many wonderful Moab owner/contributors, thank you very much. Your contributions are welcome. To those who are cooperating and helping out as requested, a great big Thank You Very Much. When you have questions I will go out of my way to help. To the rest of you, I would greatly appreciate it if you would run through the thread and remove your posts.

And then, move along. Please.

Thank you.
The greatest myth in audio is the alleged linear relation between price and S.Q.

Great S.Q. can cost peanuts.... Unbeknownst, unrecognised or ignored by most, top audio experience may cost peanuts with the rightful experiments and controlling means (tweaks)...

Speakers design is not related linearly to price....

Correct. Absolutely true. This is what shatters the myth of the marginal return. You know this better than most because you've been working so hard trying and listening and learning about what works. Instead of doing like so many others.  

Its why my Talons sold so fast. Believe me that would never have happened had they been stock and hooked up to a stock system with no tweaks. I have something a whole lot better slated for the Moabs! In the current unfortunate circumstances I can't say what it is but I the grapevine is telling me you probably have a pretty good idea.

Anyway, that is for later. For now mine are slated to be built, maybe even shipped, this Friday.
Will share what I'm able. Don't meant to be mysterious but the truth is there's things being developed that are quite remarkable, and that's on top of the other quite remarkable stuff that was inside the Talons that made them so easy to sell. One of the unintended consequences of badgering, the same progress continues to be made only underground and off-line. Of course the only way of knowing for sure is to come and hear. There's a couple guys in the area might do just that. We will see.  

In any case the plan is unpack, set up, meticulously dial in placement, and review using a wide range of music. Genres from classical to rock, recordings average to White Hot.  

Never done anything like this before. Usually just listen to a ton of stuff, maybe later on at some point write it up. Had a lot to say over the years on how things burn in, but its been 16 years since going through that with new speakers- and never wrote it up even then. So this will be a first for me in a lot of ways.  

More than anything else right now I am looking forward to those first few minutes. The biggest changes happen the first few minutes and hours. Many times the sound at the beginning of a song is not the sound at the end of a song. Absolutely fascinating to hear. That is why these things will be dialed in to within a gnats hair before the first sound comes out of them.

At first they will have only however many minutes Eric gives them in final testing. Rock bottom zero hours. Which they never will be again. Not sure how this comes across, but the way I listen its almost like more of my attention is focused on the changes taking place within the component than the sound of the component itself. If that sounds cryptic, ask yourself how many people you have heard make this observation, of the sound of a new component changing over the course of the first few minutes of a song. I've noted this many times, with many different components.  

Anyway, then there will probably be a tweak or two of toe, and then settle down for the long haul.
But i am interested by the Moab and the opinion of millercarbon about them.... I dont read all this thread.... Only the part about speakers and audio....

Thanks. Assuming Friday shipping then they should be here next Thursday. If so that would be great because I'm off Thurs-Sun. That would give me 4 full days. Listening. Writing. Fingers crossed!
In a perfect world we would be able to home audition all our top contenders. In the real world nobody wants to buy used speakers. For most it seems half the joy is that brand new perfect gleaming museum piece Faberge egg sensation. In the real world just getting the darn things out of the box and into position without inflicting some micro blemish is hard enough. Loading them up from the dealer, transporting, unloading, setting up, packing up and getting them back to the dealer all without messing something up is so much work and so darn near impossible its no wonder hardly anyone ever does it.  

That's just reality, and almost always the correct reaction to reality is casual acceptance. 

That reality has always been there. The difference is today we have access to an abundance of information, way more than ever before. Not just word of mouth but videos even. Just massive information. To the point the real challenge isn't finding it but sifting through it all for the nuggets of gold. 

We will soon know if that gleam in the pan was gold or not.
Tammy called, they are shipping today! Got the Owner's Manual and Unpacking Instructions email. Watching out for notification from Dominion. Fingers crossed they can deliver next Thursday.
Already had a brief moment of slight angst when I asked about footers and Tammy gave me the wrong info. This being Friday and with my work schedule I'm running around calling Tacoma Screw, and then Eric calls back and its 1/4-20 after all. Just like someone else said earlier. Whew!  

To answer "are we there yet?" again, shipping is supposed to be 3 days. So possibly could be Wed but I'm off Thursday-Sunday next week and so I will be shooting for Thursday.

For the unpacking/setup video I kind of like those videos where the guys don't say a word but simply show everything step by step. Only maybe being audiophiles there should be a sound track. So all things considered how about
mahgister, That’s the way to do it. You follow enough to know just how patiently and thoroughly I have been sifting and considering. Its just about a full year now since I first got interested in these.

With the big day growing closer- and a slow day here at work- I’ve been reviewing our story so far. A couple things that hit me- first of course is the number of people who own or have heard Moabs (and quite a few other Tektons) and how uniformly positive they are. There’s a time or two I regret having misread someone (sorry, raysmtb1) and a few times we got off track. But only one truly disturbed individual, which this being the internet, not bad.

There was one physics post by rixthetrick that got short shrift:

The kinetic energy of a moving object is directly proportional to its mass and directly proportional to the square of its velocity. This means that an object with twice the mass and equal speed will have twice the kinetic energy while an object with equal mass and twice the speed will have quadruple the kinetic energy.
Then as well as the mass that needs to be excited, you have back pressure from air, which when you have larger surface areas is larger and therefore more resistance in both kinetic energy and air resistance. Exponential.

It’s not mass that is the biggest issue in exciting drivers, it’s both the speed and drag coefficient of the cones for example. The really important issue is cone breakup because of these two exponential components which has to be controlled by the motor and the cone material/structure.

This is where I believe the real potential lies in the arrays Tekton uses, especially if is as millercarbon theorizes, being possibly a two way crossover. It’s the cone breakup.

Hadn’t really thought of this but the physics is right and so what it means to me is all those tweeters, well they cover 300 Hz on up which is the highest frequencies with the highest velocities. Velocity isn’t just speed, its change in direction. So even though a tweeter doesn’t move very far it does move with a very high velocity.

What’s interesting is that post was sitting there I had sort of glossed over it yet I was thinking and even talking to Eric about it one time. One of my biggest gripes with speakers is a sense of strain. Several Moab (and Ulf) listeners remarked on the lack of strain, an effortless quality, a sense of the speakers regardless of volume just coasting along.

Well if as in most designs a powerful motor is trying to accelerate a lot of air and a big cone then yes indeed there is gonna be cone breakup. Cone breakup being the cone rippling like a wave rather than moving the way we want like a piston. The tweeters in the midrange array will be much less susceptible to this. Physics pretty well accounts then for what people say they are hearing. Thank you, rixthetrick!

And then there are the 7 Moab owners: jovialspirit, raysmtb1, shalommorgan, listening99, randym860, Jengelmann, and Protoss71.

Two more days ....

You don’t say. And thanks for the Rocky reference.

Now what was the very last thing the OP said in the very first post? Oh yeah, there it is, "We will just have to see."
Earlier this year the Petrolicious channel tried to get me. But they hadn’t really thought the car guy/audiophile intersect through very well- and wouldn’t agree to my terms anyway. So had to give them a pass. I’ve never even uploaded a video and it remains to be seen if I ever will. But the GoPro is just sitting there so what the heck, might as well, eh?

Not promising anything, but I have yet to see any decent close-up videos, and nothing at all showing details of things like ports or speaker binding posts. My listening room features genuine man cave quality lighting. With a headlamp I can almost see what I’m doing. Let’s see what else can I do to build down expectations....

Seriously though, thinking would be nice to see unpacking and setting up- connecting, positioning, leveling- with some nice close-ups and enough detail to understand how perfect symmetry is achieved. All in a nice tight 6 minute video. How hard could it be? ;)
The dangers of writing a post at work, getting distracted, and forgetting to refresh to see what got posted in the meantime. Oh well. The support is appreciated. I really do think this thread will be helpful, and not only to those ordering Moabs or even Tektons but even those seriously looking at high end speakers in general. There’s a lot to cover and as long as this is it barely even scratches the surface but still, surely someone will find it worthwhile.

For those others who may have posted earlier and had second thoughts remember you can only edit a short time but its never too late to go back and remove a post. (And I do appreciate it when they do. No names just, thanks.)
May as well be Plan 9 From Outer Space for all the relevance to this thread. Move along please. Don't forget the REMOVE function is always available. Really appreciate your using it too. The site has PM available for irrelevant chatter like this. Thanks!
So far I have jovialspirit  https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8690 , raysmtb1 https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8788 (love the red/blue together!) , shalommorgan https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8747  , Listening99 (wait- what? No pics??!?) , and soon myself, all with Moabs.  

Have I missed anyone?

Mine will be here next week. From order to delivery that will be 2 months.

If you could, would you guys mind posting when you got yours, and how long it took?



Hey @millercabron, do you ever wonder if the guy who bought your Talons reads this thread?  

 Think he’s had an “I coulda had a V8!” moment realizing that you definitely know what you’re doing, and he should have bought Tekton Moabs?

 Probably no regrets though, considering your old Talons have all that MillerMagic™ inside!

He knows exactly why I was selling, what is in the ones he bought, and everything. Told him all about the TC on the wires and stuff inside, the X crossover, all the little details and tweaks. Went out of my way to make real clear that the idea with really good speakers is what you hear is not the speakers at all but the signal everything is sending them. Talons being really good speakers what you really are hearing is my exceptionally good electronics, insanely good tweaks, and obsessively good setup. Then again after he said "I'll take em!" I reiterated they will NOT sound like this when you get them home - so if you imagine that you will be very disappointed. But if you compare them to what you have or anything you can find around this price you will be hard pressed to find better. That's what I told him because that's my honest assessment. So there is nothing to hide. He can read this all he wants.

The buyer is pretty new to this, upgrading from mid-fi receiver type stuff, I never heard back but hard to believe he's unhappy. After all, most of his system is my hand-me-downs. A guy could do a whole lot worse.

Oh so YOU'RE Kemper Holt! Did not know that. Very nice review, really well done, tagged all the bases. Reviews from guys who actually ponied up the money to buy mean a lot, especially when done as well as yours. 

Appreciate playing the music too as no matter what people say its better than nothing. 

So the video was back in January. You've had them a while now. Still growing on you?
Really eager to hear these things tomorrow. 

The review pair of Moab speakers have arrived and have been setup in the big system for break-in and reviewing.

First aspect that became obvious to my eye's was that the paint job was maybe the most beautiful that Eric has done on the four different models I have had in for review.

Before anyone asks me are they at the same level of performance as the Ulf's, the answer is on cursory listening they play in the same league. Remember, the larger Ulf's are a four way design the Moab is a three way design, but both use the same M-T-M arrays. So far, they do everything superlatively- micro-details, total transparency, fantastic sound-staging in both size and placement, pressurizing the room with deep taut bass, and a great airy high-end. And they are not broken in yet!

Again, when you take into account the price vs performance ratio Eric has created another "monster" speaker.  

teajay from the MOAB thread from a year ago.
Thanks for the clarification Kemper but my impression is its your speakers, your system, your home and your review. Or is it lancelock?

One of the little details I really like is your Ted Denney reference. I’ve used mostly Synergistic wire since he began back in the early 90’s, and today run a mix of Master Coupler, Atmosphere Euphoria and Element CTS. Ted has made huge progress over the years but always retaining his iconic balance, much the way Eric does with Tekton.

Oh and by the way is that a couple of HFT I see on the front wall? Looks about the right size and location but I don’t see one in the middle?
HFTs improve clarity and imaging, supposedly in a way similar to dither. However it is they work they definitely do work, and really well. Look close and you will see a few of them on the walls of my room, and on the speakers. Yes of course they'll be used on the Moabs. Bad enough they will not have any of the trick stuff that was inside the Khorus. Yet.  

I will probably listen to them at first without anything. But the HFT will be going on right away. Unless of course I am too spellbound and forget.... 
Old Dominion delivery window 8-12. But Thursday is our shopping day. So truck em in, buy food, unpack and set em up. No rush, got all day, and its a 4 day weekend for me.
All set up. But now errands. Will be writing off-line so when I get back can hit Post and go listen. But for now ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!