Tekton Design Moab

Ordered a pair just now. In Dark Gray, to which Tammy immediately said, "Oh the Charcoal is beautiful!" Charcoal sounds better than Dark Gray (even though we are talking about the same color!) so Charcoal it is!  

My beloved Talon Khorus do still sound awfully good. It will be interesting to see how the Moabs stock out of the box compare with these tweaked and modded warhorses. Both the strength, and the weakness, of the Khorus is using the 10" woofer to cover so much midrange. Its a strength because it makes for a very smooth and cohesive sound. But its a weakness because its asking a lot of such a large driver to go so high. Talon makes up for it with their isobaric design. Mounted inside and directly behind the woofer is another identical driver facing the opposite direction. The idea is this relieves the front facing driver of having to compress the air inside the cabinet. This does allow for a much faster response, and is a big reason for the wonderful music the Khorus produces. 

I have a feeling however it is no match for Eric Alexander's ultra-low mass driver array solution. Only one way to know for sure. So we will just have to see!  


Showing 50 responses by millercarbon

Its kind of hard to find the Tekton people are not saying sounds fantastic. They only caught my eye about a year ago but in that time that is one thing that has become clear, the guy knows how to build em. Do a search, there's a ton of hits on Enzo XL, especially from a year or so ago. They were a lot newer then. 

Performing at 80% right out of the box, and being at long term levels in about 20 hours is right in line with what Eric has posted on his blog. 

Being drawn into listening, and being able to listen at such high levels without any hint of fatigue, these in my book are worth a hundred persnickety adjectives. Thanks!

It really is a shame, because it takes away from the opportunity for people to learn more cool details about what goes into making high end gear. Its not all the same, not by any means. Its fascinating stuff, and we should be able to talk about it without being attacked and harassed by what are for the most part just sad little bullies.

Just got off the phone with Eric and Tammy. Tekton seems to be living the reality of what Keith Herron told me about. The last step before ordering my Herron VTPH2A was a call to Keith Herron. One thing Keith told me, he hated reviews. For a small manufacturer reviews are an almost lose-lose proposition.  

This is obvious with a bad review. But even a good review can be a problem. Because there's just no way any small business can stock inventory or gear up to meet sudden demand. So as Keith explained the good review creates all this demand, it becomes hard to get product out, hard to provide the same level of customer service, people get upset waiting and so even good reviews can lead to problems. Just different ones.  

Well, Tekton has had not just one good review but one after another, after another. Not just good reviews either but stellar, to die for reviews. Not only from reviewers but from a whole bunch of happy owners. And not on one or two models but most if not all of them- and at Tekton that is a LOT of models!  

So anyway, another call, more interesting little details. Will save them for when the haters quiet down. Shame.
This is all that, and more. Its an extended review and resource that will likely continue long after the speakers arrive and are set up and burned in. There's already a pretty good list of known good mods in store for mine, some of which I will even be able to share on-line. (And all, if you want to PM for details. But be forewarned, its addictively awesome stuff.) I'm not planning on refinishing mine. But I do have a full wood shop and can see how they could be dressed up with a full veneer or inlay treatment. I'm thinking something more felt like around the tweeter array but you never know.


I’ve had my Moabs for a few weeks now and I’m not sure I’ll ever need another speaker. ...

Coming from the Pendragons, which I still use as a 5.1 system, all i can say is WOW! The sweet midrange I’ve been missing is simply put, jaw dropping!!! These Moabs present such a 3 dimensional soundstage that has to be heard to be appreciated. ..

The Moabs for me are just on another level in terms of believable/authentic music reproduction.

Trust me when I say that I didnt understand what it truly meant for a speaker to disappear until night time came, the lights went down, and I started streaming "Jazz at the Pawnshop". For speakers this size in my space to pull that off is nothing short of breathtaking.

After 30+ years of buying, selling, and trading gear, someone would have to pry these Moabs out of my cold dead hands before they leave the company of my presence.

With a smile that seems to be permanently pasted on my face every time I hit play and hear my "MIGHTY MOABS"

Cheers and happy listening!!!

Excellent. Eric has 32 pairs of Moabs on his production spreadsheet. He’s building a bunch of them right now. Hopefully mine come out next week. They may well be my last speaker as well.
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jovialspirit, How did they sound initially as compared to now after a few weeks? About how many hours would you say are on them now? And do they seem to have stabilized, or still (if more slowly) improving?
Trust me when I say that I didnt understand what it truly meant for a speaker to disappear until night time came, the lights went down, and I started streaming "Jazz at the Pawnshop". For speakers this size in my space to pull that off is nothing short of breathtaking. I know there are Tekton haters out there that will dispute this claim, but I dont care and do not have the energy or desire to engage those types. Its simply put, exhausting and lacks any sort of appeal to engage with banter for a healthy debate. Given the hobby/passion we all share, it’s quite frankly sad.

Well said.
Go with one of the standard satin finish colors. Piano gloss and custom colors are a long wait. No wonder. It takes multiple coats with color sanding to get that level of finish. Very time consuming.
No mapman your comment is incorrect. Omni's can only distribute sound omnidirectionally. Not omni-simultaneously.

We hear by timing. This is why it helps so much to keep speakers away from walls. Reflections close in time smear imaging. Simultaneous arrival of sound is how we know by hearing where a sound came from. You simply cannot sit different distances from different speakers and hear the same thing as if you sit precisely equidistant from both. That is as incontrovertible a fact of audio as ever you will find. 
What you just learned the hard way is there is no such thing as a sweet spot that is over an area. It simply cannot be. The choices are similarly bland performance over some area, or incredible performance in one spot. More of a line or plane of equidistance than a spot but whatever. Point is the sweet area is a fallacy. Sorry you had to learn that one the hard way.  

Good news is yes Tektons will fix that. Listen to the reviews. They play what they're fed. If its a singer sitting in front of you, you will hear a singer sitting in front of you. If its an orchestra, well don't take it from me listen to the man at 14:30 ... and again at 16:30 ....  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj_eRQ8TCAY&t=1s

Miller carbon,
The statement you made about feeding the speakers made me wonder are you strictly an analog guy or do you do any streaming?

Strictly analog? Oh no. I watch movies too.

I have heard them, if you consider online videos hearing them. To me that’s only somewhat of a guide in comparison to what I can hear vs other speakers online. 

On-line videos are pretty good- if you know how to listen.

About 2 years ago while contemplating a Koetsu there were some really useful videos. Useful because they had the same few carts with usually a Herron phono stage. Different records, different tables and arms, but you hear the same cart a few times you get an impression. Especially when the same guy then does the same thing with some different carts, etc. At the same time he had usually a Herron. Well I now have the Koetsu Black Goldine and Herron VTPH 2A and guess what? They sound a whole lot like what was expected. From the videos.

The Moabs will be my third time buying off YouTube. 😳
Crayola Crayons, official sponsor of the Tekton Fanboy Fashion Collection. 😉 (Trigger warning: another impressive Tekton review.😒)

Oh, and I finally figured out how to post photos on the thread. Here’s a photo of Steve Guttenberg reviewing Tekton: 💕😍💕


Is it me, or was that one of his better reviews?

This for sure is a good one with Eric Alexander. Check it out at 12 min where he talks about testing and matching tweeters.
Just love at 18:00 where he talks about toe-in, and they sound best set up virtually exactly the same as my last two sets of speakers- which is exactly where I was planning on putting them. 😁😁😁
Now, where were we. Oh yeah-
Crayola Crayons, official sponsor of the Tekton Fanboy Fashion Collection. 😉 (Trigger warning: another impressive Tekton review.😒)

Oh, and I finally figured out how to post photos on the thread. Here’s a photo of Steve Guttenberg reviewing Tekton: 💕😍💕


Is it me, or was that one of his better reviews?

This for sure is a good one with Eric Alexander. Check it out at 12 min where he talks about testing and matching tweeters.
Just love at 18:00 where he talks about toe-in, and they sound best set up virtually exactly the same as my last two sets of speakers- which is exactly where I was planning on putting them. 😁😁😁
Tell ya what guys, you want to have your own little discussion where you shift topics every time someone points out just how wrong you are, fine. Start your own thread. This one is for Tekton Moabs. Move along, please.
"Selling Wilson Yvettes, $25k, for Tekton Encores, $7k. Maybe my web search is busted, because if that’s right those are almost four times as expensive. Yet the Tektons are better. Imagine that."
Correct. However, I did spend the extra 1K for the high gloss finish (which added to the time-frame) since Eric does that himself. I now have gigantic purple boxes in my living room and the only person who can complain is me. I am not complaining.

Right. That was sarcasm. Meant for the haters.

That time frame is about right for custom piano finish.
Yeah. Funny you ask. Was just thinking about that very thing. All of em! 😁😂 But seriously, whatever I think or say now probably something completely different will happen on the big day. Year of the Cat had been a standard warmup side for some time. Well it sounds pretty good, great music, but frankly a beat up copy I don't mind playing a lot because its so beat up! At the other end of the scale are my White Hot Stampers. Reserved for late when everything's thoroughly warmed up and sounding awesome it might be a day or two before one of these goes on. Then again these are supposed to be my ultimate rock out speakers so it will be hard not to feed them Tom Petty Southern Accents. Right from the beginning Rebels hits you with the reality this is one of the all time great audiophile rock albums. No kidding. Until you hear it WHS you have no idea.

Could be I will put on something like Genesis. Home by the Sea should be fun. Francis A and Edward K will have to get a spin. Linda Ronstadt, the three she did with Nelson Riddle, should really come alive. The Moabs will be wanting plenty of high level to loosen up. Funeral For a Friend should do nicely. But I am just as eager to hear how they do with The Ghost of Tom Joad. Springsteen isn't known for recording quality but Highway 29 Bruce is so intimately there in the room, just him and his guitar, I almost can't wait to hear it.

Eventually at some point I will get to my treasured Jennifer Warnes. The Well 45 boxed set includes some of her very best found only (as far as I know) on that set. Then there is my Desert Island - Michael Ruff Speaking in Melodies. Possibly the greatest sense of 'you are there this is now' ever captured on vinyl. Its not quite direct to disk but from what I gather they just got together and started playing, all these great studio musicians, and the music just flows. 

Then there's classical. Mozart String Quartets WHS just came, haven't even heard it yet. https://www.better-records.com/product.aspx?pf_id=mozarstrin_2006 Can only imagine how that will sound!
Way to persevere. I took the party line and tried one really good sub. When that didn’t work I decided good bass with one sub is impossible (it is) and gave up. Until about 2 years ago, learned about DBA, consulted a bit with Duke, built mine- and wrote the whole experience up at length. The whole thing comes up frequently, and is even included in the link to my System page https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 which was in the post immediately preceding the one where the guy put his obliviousness on display. Again.

There's another solution. I'm able to switch between music and HT with one click of the Melody input selector. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367

$2k for just one sub? You'll get much better results with a DBA. Try four of these https://www.tektondesign.com/2-10-sub.html
First sentence: "Ordered a pair just now...."

Second paragraph: It will be interesting to see how the Moabs stock out of the box compare...

Last sentence: "Only one way to know for sure. So we will just have to see!" 
Yes that is all in the Original Post.

There are those who chalk these things up to animosity, a sort of deranged irrational hatred. When there may be a more benign explanation: illiteracy.
They have 32 Moabs ordered as of last Friday. Assuming that's a fairly normal sample, and taking a month to 6 weeks to build, that's averaging close to a pair a day, 20 a month, something like that. Over the roughly one year production, we can ball park around 200-300. Even cut in half, even if only 100, that's still a lot to have virtually none for sale used- especially for a new product in its first year, that hardly anyone can audition before buying. 

Wow that’s some mighty fine flights of fancy going on here lately! If I may bring things back down to Earth: How is it we are able to compare anything at all? The answer is there for those who can be bothered to read through the thread. If its not already explained in this thread it sure is in my posts elsewhere. (Hint, hint.)

So, again, serious question: How is it we are able to compare anything at all? Is there a certified reference standard speaker we all agree is the one we can use? Of course not. They are all over the map. Even if there was, and even if every audiophile was issued one along with their Audiophile ID Card, what about the room? Doesn’t that affect the sound? Pretty sure it does.

What about the cables? Amps? Source? Are you getting this? Really? Want to make sure because it seems some sure are not. Change even one tiny little thing- change VTF by .01 g, change the shelf under the DAC, you name it, any tiny little thing, it changes the sound.

Yet in spite of all that no one has any problem spouting their opinion on what component X, Y or Z sounds like. None whatsoever.

Nor should they. We don’t hear sounds like a microphone. We don’t form plots in the brain and look at them. We don’t "hear" in that sense at all. We LISTEN for PATTERNS. That’s how we are able to recognize a human we know by their voice alone even over a crappy phone line, even when we have never heard their voice on the phone before. PATTERNS!

Speedbump6 gets it. "If you learn what to listen for you can hear differences." To which I would only add, "and similarities."

The original poster sounds like he is a dealer/salesman for Tekton but with no actual 1st hand knowledge of them. Seems odd to me

Yes well it is unfortunately very common. Lots of people have very poor reading comprehension. They never learned to reason, which is primarily how we think, and so they go through life jumping from one unfounded conclusion to the next. Case in point.

For proof simply go back and read everything I have posted. Or to save time just the last few. Its pretty clear what I recommended was DBA. Here’s the relevant bit: "$2k for just one sub? You’ll get much better results with a DBA." Pretty clear the recommendation is DBA. That’s what we use the period for, to separate sentences, which are ideas. What follows after the period is another idea. "Try four of these". The operative word being "try". No longer is it "much better than." Now its a suggestion. "Try." Some might call it an example. A "for instance."

Its hard I know. So many words. So many ideas. My suggestion is: Practice. Practice. Practice.
Like the era of Payola in the broadcast and music industries..circa 50’s...70s. Pay to play. Tom

Yeah, that’s it. The guy with so many orders he can’t keep up, can’t hire and train people fast enough, is running out of manufacturing space, and the main customer complaint he has is how long it takes to get em, that guy is paying me to promote. A dazzling display of logic.

MC, have fun.

Thanks. I’m having a ball. I’m a regular Freddy Mercury.

Now we got a movement, Don’t shun it. Fun it.

Something I have said more times than I can count: Its your system. It should sound the way you want. What do you care what anyone else thinks? Over and over again. Here’s what I would do- but you’re not me. Bet some variation on that theme has been written a hundred times. At least.

The great automotive engineer Ferdinand Porsche, when he went looking for a car could not find the right blend of sporty performance, efficiency, comfort and reliability he was looking for. So he decided to make it himself. His thinking was, if I like it maybe some others will want one. He did not run a focus group, run around asking a bunch of people what they want. He did not even care! That is how the most successful model in all of automotive history, the Porsche 911, came to be.

Here’s my system. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367
Here’s a quote: "In my opinion, Chuck has achieved audio nirvana..."

One little thing he left out, before we started I let him know we don’t all hear the same things, or have the same preferences, so I won’t be offended by criticism, so let everyone know what you think regardless good or bad.

I say this for one reason, a reason that seems to elude certain people: If you’re serious about sound, this is the way you have to be. Because everyone does listen differently, this means there’s always the chance someone hears something you missed. The only way you are going to know is by letting them tell you about it. Which they are not going to do if they’re afraid of hurting your precious feelings.

My feelings aren’t precious. My music is. I’m blazing through the sky yeah, 200 degrees that’s why they call me Mr Fahrenheit. I’m traveling at the speed of light. I wanna make a supersonic man out of you. (Too.)

speedbump6, thanks. Since you have been reading my posts you will recall this one, from page 13:
I would encourage everyone who would prefer to see this site be a repository of useful information to do as I have started doing recently. Give them one, or maybe two, chances to be taken seriously. When they revert to character give them a polite Move on, please. Then ignore, forevermore.

It shouldn’t be necessary to ban anyone. It is attention they crave. Attention they will not get. Scroll on up through this thread for examples. Couldn’t hurt. Might just help.
Its entirely up to you of course but it seems to me rbstehno has earned it.
Brass screws are on the list. Also another coat of TTDF, Mats, fO.q tape gaskets and washers, and springs under crossover and speakers.

Curious about the MOAB with all 15 Be tweeters on each speaker. 

Its Moab. Its a place in Utah, not an acronym.
Eric loves the all Be and says its up there with the best cost no object speakers. Those tweeters cover everything from about 270 Hz on up. That leaves the bass drivers with just two lower octaves, at which point a good DBA kicks in. His MTM array concept is so effective he's able to use relatively mundane drivers to achieve outstanding performance. Its hard to think going to SOTA drivers wouldn't be as good as he says. He is also working on something that will combine his design approach with more conventional SOTA level cabinet and drivers. That will really be something.
The very best in terms of spaciousness I ever heard were Linaeum Model 10 speakers I had years ago. They had a pretty bad bass hump but the soundstage was as one guy said, "You're swimming in it." The Linaeum tweeter was a normal tweeter with a ribbon of pliable plastic almost like cellophane attached to the voice coil. Or I guess you could say 2 ribbons, curving left and right kind of like a little horn. The idea being a wave travels along the ribbon. Two of these mounted back to back made a dipole. Very nice, the best most realistic violin I ever heard.... until now. Moabs are way better in every way, except in that one area of spaciousness they are "merely" about that good. So if you can beat the Model 10s in that, wow.
raysmtb1, Curious to know how, if at all, the sound is different when connected to just one amp?
I can’t wait for MC to get those Moabs and run them thru his music then he can share his true opinion on their sound.Hopefully they will live up to his expectations and others who may be on the fence about buying can pull the trigger on a pair for themselves.If they do not deliver what he was hoping I do believe he will say as much.

Right. I will. And Thanks for bringing the discussion back on track. A few here, even when multiple people discourage their aberrant behavior they just won’t stop. Oh well. Only makes us appreciate all the more the good people still interested in using the forum in a more productive manner.

You can be sure to get my true opinions on their sound, because my previous detailed reviews and literally hundreds of quality listening impressions make clear that’s what I do.

What I’ve done in the past was follow the typical review format we all know so well. A little backstory, a little system info, something about the component, maybe an interesting vignette or two, some listening impressions, with a few music/recording references, sometimes even ones people will know. Same old.

What I decided to do this time is break the mold. There’s so many aspects to quality components a proper review would take a book. Volumes. But we are now decades past books. About time someone used the inter web with a little more creativity.

Now in this thread, granted the reader has to scan and skip past the riff-raff, but cut that out and what you have is a very long detailed review and discussion of these speakers. Say again, review "and" discussion. Pertinent questions get answered. Pertinent points are discussed.

Like listening99, he asked about music. Good question. Usually in the old review format the reviewer is confined by length to describing a few recordings, with maybe a "but it sounds good with everything" thrown in for good measure.

Well, listening99 got me thinking about that. So there will be detailed impressions of as wide a range of music as is on my shelf. I’m one of these guys with way more in the system than the music. Only maybe a couple hundred recordings. But there’s rock, blues, jazz, swing, classical, big band, orchestra- and with examples of all of them where recording quality ranges from pretty good to off the charts.

About the only thing I won’t be able to do is relate how the Moabs sound compared to anything but the few speakers that have been in my room. Because I haven’t been around too much lately. Not that I think it matters. One thing I know, and have said before (including in this thread) when the speakers - or anything else for that matter - reaches a high enough level of performance you’re not hearing the component so much as all the other stuff connected to it. A lot of people say this but few seem to actually believe it. So they hear something at a show or whatever and it sounds a certain way and they attribute what they heard to what they saw. When in reality it was a ton of things they didn’t see, all the way down to the fuse in the box and the outlet in the wall.

My system has been on display here for some time now. Anyone can look and see what I have, read my comments on what each part does and how it sounds to me. https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 This is way more information than any review I ever read or even heard of before. Too much information, some might even say. Then again, you mentioned those who are on the fence. For someone seriously considering allocating this kind of money on such a big decision too much information is maybe just about right.

So thanks again, and welcome to the review.
Six to eight sounds about right. Tammy said to expect 4 to 6 and that was May 22nd. Yesterday was told 7 to 10 days which would be next week, and depending on shipping maybe get here within the 6 weeks. Its a long time to wait for speakers. But as they say on Rennlist, first world problems.

Not the greatest experience for the buyer who wants everything cut and dried. Then again if they sent an invoice for each thing mine would have been changed 3 times by now.

For direct sales like this a whole lot of detailed pictures would sure be nice. I would like to see close ups of drivers, speaker binding posts, footers, ports, etc. Eric tests and creates matched sets of drivers for the arrays, and tests every complete speaker before shipping. It would sure be nice to have some of those details covered on the site.  

But its easy for us armchair audiophiles to think up how to run the perfect business. The reality is the guy already has more business than he knows what to do with. Its not great for the cut and dried buyer but its pretty darn great for the one who wants to think and mull and option a more personalized product.
Wait- what? You have both your amps connected to the same set of speaker binding posts? Two amps, two cables, to one set of speaker connections??
When it comes to tekton speakers 1 goal erik had was to match the moving mass of the drivers to match as close as possible that of the actual instruments. There are some skeptics about his array design and all i can say is listen to them. Then decide whether it works or not.

The low moving mass/array concept is indeed his operating principle and does seem to work. But its the second part, listen to them, that is why I’m a buyer. So many listeners not only like what they’re hearing, but describe it in precisely the terms I would use in describing some truly remarkable speakers.

Miller, one thing I wish he would do is give more insight about each speaker. What the goal was in mi d for designing that model, it’s intended customer, maybe even link to reviews for that model.

Right. The closest he’s come to this is a few places talking about advice he’s given people, which speakers he recommends. It seems to be partly budget (of course) but also a lot to do with the amp and listening requirements. 

The Perfect SET is obvious, but from there it quickly turns into a big mess. Because most of his speakers seem to be pretty well suited to amps anywhere from a few tens of watts to hundreds. From there it goes to size and then price. 

He probably could have a lot more links. But that might take away from his drag racing and tracking his ’vette. 😁
One set is standard. Bi-amp is an option. Eric offers a lot more options than are listed on the site.
Is anyone else waiting a long time for their Tektons? I ordered a pair of Lores at the end of April and I'm still waiting for them to ship.

Veneer? What's Eric say?
Multiple. Check out my system https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/8367 Read this thread. Do a search for Swarm, Distributed Bass Array (DBA) and read my thread on mine. The number of subs used is far more important than the quality or power of any one sub. Of course four outstanding subs will always be better than four tiny crappy ones. But on the other hand you cannot find any one single sub anywhere that will all by itself outperform four like mine or the Audiokinesis Swarm. Which is pretty amazing considering its only about $3k for a DBA.  

The bass from my Moabs is as good or better than anything else I've heard up to and including million dollar Wilsons. But they still sound a whole lot better with a DBA. There is after all only so much you can expect from only two speakers.
Had a Stereophile sub back in the day. Jonathan Scull days. JS if anyone remembers the way they liked to refer to each other by their initials. Anyway this JS fellow made claims like how perplexed he was at the sound, drove him crazy, until he noticed the cleaning lady moved the rug. Same rug. Same place. But she vacuumed it different or something so the rug fibers were going a different direction. Seriously. Another story, the top came off a CDP or something and when it went back on it sounded different. Until he played with the tightness of the screws. Of course it sounded best when the Phillips head screws were all aligned pointing the same direction.  

No kidding. That was the 1990's. Just to show how long some of these ideas have been circulating around. Tightness, materials. Yawn.

System sounds so freaking good now, really need to get someone in here again to experience it. Meantime, reminder, am not going into certain specific info thanks to the aforementioned losers but anyone interested is welcome to PM so we can share off-line and without their infernal interference. 
No sweat Ray. Don't even know what you're talking about. 😉

Right Randy, what I meant. Just get tired sometimes of differentiating. Eric should dream up some catchy made-up marketing name or something.

All for it Rix, PM your email please. I will do it. Been thinking a long time about something for my turntable. Know enough to understand the suspension and damping need to be tuned to the moving mass of the system but that's about it, haven't waded into the physics of how to work that out. You seem like maybe just the man for that job.
A little off track, not MOABS but I ordered a pair of 4-10 subs with a custom color on 4-28 and will be receiving them Wed. 7-22. BTW good thread.
Thanks. Appreciate it. I would probably be getting a few 4-10s - if I didn't already have 5 subs!

Three months for custom color is pretty good. They are multiple coats with color sanding and apparently all done by Eric. Sounds like the finish on them is truly first rate.
The painter thing came up by coincidence when one painter quit just as mine were to be painted. He was immediately replaced with another better one, apparently more of an automotive painter. This was just last week. Whatever, mine are shipped now its just a question of Dominion getting them here. 
I must not count, since I’m an about to be moab owner, lol. But I am an already Ulfers owner

D'oh! 😳😬🤦‍♂️ Should probably fake some wit like saving the best for last but truth is it was more like a senior moment. Actually no seriously saving the best for last. 

Okay make that 8. Oh heck long as we're counting soon to be delivered, 9.
They are in Seattle and scheduled for Thursday delivery 8-12. Two months without speakers hasn't been hard at all. I've been able to listen to Moabs every night. The selection is a bit limited but I'm listening to them now and the imaging is so good my laptop disappears. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vj_eRQ8TCAY See, I'm not going crazy without speakers. Oh no. Not me.
You're right, forgot they're powered. So much the better. All his speakers are such a good deal its hard to see how he even does it. Genius and hard work I guess.
They're building them now. Were expected to ship out Friday. But what I just found out, the Ulfberht tweeters, he doesn't just swap them in. There is as he put it "some engineering to do" which I am not sure at this time if that means crossovers or cabinetry. Both, probably. But he's working on it.  

So anyway it seems they are being built. Then everything gets tested, add 3 days for shipping, might be looking at having them end of next week. If so that would be 8 weeks, a little longer than expected, but not bad all things considered.
Tonight was the best  yet. Aja, the reverb extends like forever into this vast acoustic space. The sax has just the perfect bite and there's so much real vibe to everything. There's like half a dozen different wood blocks or something where before it was like one.  

Then comes my Nilsson Schmilsson Super Hot Stamper, on which Coconut is an absolute killer demo track! A kaleidoscope of sounds coming from everywhere. This was one of the first albums I ever bought and as a kid would lay on the floor using the speakers like headphones to play Jump Into the Fire as loud as I could. So I cranked it up to half volume (have I mentioned how freaking efficient these things are?!😂😂❤️❤️🔈🔈) and the drums have such impact its amazing. The guitar solo is zinging and Nilsson is a master he's created the quintessential pop/rock monster guitar solo, right on the razor's edge of ear searing and divine.  

Its a shame its so few and far between for people to come hear these. Oh well.