Technics Turntables...really???

Ok, what am I missing? When I hear Technics turntables, I think Craigslist and DJ tables. What am I missing? 


I have a SP-10R, and I use the accurate-to-0.01 RPM pitch control every day when I transfer old 78s that were recorded anywhere from 70 to 90 RPM. You can’t do that with other tables. If I need the table to spin at 38.38 RPM when I’m making a half-speed transfer, no other table offers the same level of speed stability, not even the six-figure ones owned by audiophile multimillionares.

Any VPI with an SDS or Sota with its speed servo system can do that. Easy-peasy.

It looks like the VPI doesn't handle 78 RPM. Seems like the Sota does. I hadn't seen that when shopping a few years ago. I guess one of the top-of-the line Sotas might be in the same general league, then, as a SP-10R and what's better is probably a matter of subjectivity. I'm not immediately finding much hard data on Sota measurements. I think personally I tend to prefer direct drive, but I've seen a few belt-drive arguments that are somewhat compelling. As the owner of a SP-10R and highly customized plinth and set of tonearms, I'm not terribly inclined to dig further. The Sota factory is not far from me and seems to have a very good reputation, so I could see them being a good option for a lot of people.



It looks like the VPI doesn't handle 78 RPM.

Any VPI with an SDS can do 78 rpm and beyond. In fact, any synchronous motor belt drive 'table can do it with a simple speed controller. The motor is synchronous to the line frequency, which is easily adjusted.


Own 2 sl1200’s w couple tweaks, and the mid 90’s 1210 black version.


old ones are oiled, cleaned, kept unplugged, then warmed up before use. 
 35+ years old on silver o.nes.


20-25 years on black.  Never any issue, ALWAYS START AND STOP. 

I will be handing these down to family someday, I know they will work, I take,care of my stuff