Technics sr u 1000 ... vs Accuphase e-480

Two different animals, yes... two different approaches... two different aesthetics... 

I get all that.  

A new Technics 1000 costs about the same as a used Accuphase e-480... 

My thoughts - and questions - revolve around the Technics as having more advanced technology and possibly at least as good of sound quality (?) warm-side-of-neutral perhaps for a cheaper price than the more old-school Accu... the Tech can even monitor and customize the output to individual speakers' impedances... 

but the Accu is such jewelry and has the nice old-school touches like actual knobs for bass/treble and such, plus a modular DAC (although supposedly the internal dacs of the Technics are superb).  That said, the Technics is pretty nice to look at as well.

I'm less concerned about phono playback, btw, although supposedly the Tech already has a great phono section built in and the Accu would require a further purchase of a modular phone section as well as the further purchase if desire a dac for it... 



Showing 2 responses by charles1dad


if I got the e480 and didn’t prefer it, I could likely get as much as I paid for it... so I suppose one trick would be to pony up 20k get at used 480 and a new Tech with 60 day return privs and actually play em side by side,

If feasible, I’d take this path. Direct comparison within your audio system is the best possible scenario. I wish you well in this endeavor.



Here is a cursory synopsis of the Technics from What Hifi review. No doubt both this and the time tested Accuphase 480 amplifier have very happy owners. What is the likelihood of hearing either/both and judging directly?

What Hi-Fi? Verdict

Technics’ top integrated amplifier is a breathtakingly ambitious technological marvel, and an entertaining listen too


  • +

    Innovative engineering

  • +

    Strong feature set

  • +

    Bold, entertaining sound


  • -

    Lacks rhythmic precision and dynamic punch

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    Sound staging could be more expansive