Technics SL 1200GR with What Cartridge???

I'm starting yet another thread on a similar topic, because I don't want to hi-jack someone else's thread, and I haven't found the answer to my question in other threads.

OK... I'm considering returning to vinyl for some of my listening and I need a Cliff's Notes version of what cartridges I might want to use.  

I've had a Linn Sondek LP12 for years, which I've barely used... but... it's been in storage.  As I recall it was pretty "finicky" and required a lot of attention to perform it's best (which was/is good).  I don't have enough patience anymore to deal with that, and am planning on moving to a Technics SL 1200GR, because it seems simple to operate, gets good reviews and doesn't seem to require a lot of attention. 

It appears that you can get great sound quality from the 1200GR with a good cartridge.  I'm just not sure what might be optimal / best for the money.

I also do not want to go crazy with esoteric cartridges that cost a mint.  My budget is probably in a range of... say... $300-400 to maybe $800-900 (if the cartridge is noticeably better than the more modestly priced cartridges).  

My Linn cartridge is a MM cartridge, I think (Basik or K9) in an Itok arm.  

That's about it.  

I'm not really interested in considering a lot of alternatives either in a turntable, or cartridges.  

Any guidance in this context would be appreciated.


Not to say that the SL1200mk7 Anniversary Edition is not a worthy turntable, but I think it is meant to be viewed as a decided step down from the G series, not only in price and build quality but also in features. For example, I believe it  uses the older conventional iron core motor from the SL1200 series, whereas the G series uses a new coreless motor.  Not that there is anything wrong with that.  I do think it is a good bang for buck.

I would add the AudioTechnica AT33SA to the list for consideration.

I run one on my 1200MK2 - very musical, tracks great, matches with the arm.

@bassdude  Actually, I just used the Technics cartridge jig on the Grado.  Took about 5 minutes!  Eventually I will do a proper alignment with my Feickert . Looks like it will be a little tricky but not impossible.  It sounds fine right now but will probably sound marginally better with a little work.

Timely thread. I have a GR and I run a Nagaoka MP150 with the 200 (boron cantilever) stylus. I think it sounds really good. That said I don’t have much of a field of reference. 

I’d like to go Art9 or maybe the AT33 as previously mentioned. I would recommend the Nags though 👍🏼 (I’d really like to experience more high end carts)

I have a 1200GR. I have used it with the Hana SL Mono, Hana ML, Denon 103R, some Grados, Miyajima, and others. Honestly it responds well to anything you throw at it. I always run the calcs on compliance, and the Miyajimas don’t look like they should work, but I never had an issue. It does use a removable headshell - so it you plan to switch carts you may want to avoid exotic stylus profiles. The Denon would be best in that case. I think the phono stage question is going to be a harder one to answer in this case. I use Bobs Device SUT 1:40 with the Denon, Icon Audio 1:10 with the Hana’s, and run into a Decware Phono Stage.