Technics SL-1200GR setup question

Hey A'goners,

I recently purchased a Technics SL-1200GR TT and am very pleased with it. I purchased used and it came with a Denon D-110 cart.

My understanding is that when the VTA is properly setup, the tonearm should be parallel with the surface of the record. In my case, the arm tilts down slightly. In other words, it's higher in the back and lower near the cart. The tonearm adjustment is as low as it goes. If I lift up the tonearm to make it level it is probably a good 1/4."

Does anyone have any suggestions here? Is this common or an acceptable degree of tilt? I don't think a shim is going to get 'er done here. 

I appreciate any and all suggestions. 


Showing 4 responses by cleeds

... if you can't detect any problem with positive VTA just enjoy!
VTA is always positive, by definition.
Remember that VTA is the angle of the cantilever to the LP surface.
... the arm must always be somewhat higher at its rear end (the counterweight end). A 9 to 9.5 inch arm around 7 - 9 mm higher. This improves the resolution a lot. Works with any arm and any cartridge ...
I’m sure the added distortion is likely to offer more of that warm, tubey-like analog sound. Some people like that.

I prefer neutrality, and have found a phono cartridge manufacturer’s VTA spec - typically around 22 degrees or so - yields the best result. In practice that means the pickup arm is level or very nearly so.
Arm tube angle is positive or negative and you can only change it by VTA adjustment ...
I suppose you can consider pickup arm angle as positive or negative and, yes, you adjust it by changing VTA. But VTA (Vertical Tracking Angle) is always positive, by definition. That's because VTA is the angle of the cantilever to the LP surface.