Technics 1300G on it's way !!

I am surely touched. I am trading a perfectly good MoFi Ultradeck with a Hana ML for a brand spanking new Technics 1300G, I just had to have it! Due to weather delivery was moved from today to tomorrow.. No sleep for me tonight. 


Hope you are all well and hydrated!

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xdoyle3433

Congrats on the new turntable.  You are going to love it.  I have had the Technics  1200G for over 6 years and love it.  I have started collecting different phono cartridges for my table as it’s easy with the detachable headshell.  The PRAT with a direct drive is fantastic.  You find yourself playing a lot more records. 

@rpeluso Are you using the low or high output version of the Grado Reference 3? Any notable strengths or weaknesses? TIA

@oceanandmountains I am using the low output version of that cartridge.  I bought the new table with a Sumiko Starling MC cartridge, and did my best to make that work, but it was so harsh and etched that I could not listen for very long, so I decided to go purchase the Grado and there is no comparison.  The music simply flows, no harshness, plenty of bass, just beautiful music.  I have the Starling, probably used for 10-20 hours, will perhaps sell it if there is a buyer.