Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
@ calvinj, Hi, Is there any chance ryan will let you borrow the Tara labs 0.8 with HFX ground station system or the ISM on board version to listen to?, if so, make sure, very sure they are broken in, yes, pops can tell you about his cable, pops, are you there?, cheers.
@pops. I almost bought the 0.8 ex. Tell me the differences you hear when you put them in. I'm thinking about moving the nordost Tyr out from my amp to pre amp and using the tara labs 0.8ex in its place. I currently use the Tyr from amp to pre and the tara labs 2 ex from pre amp to the parasound cd1 CD player. I heard that they were full, open and vivid with good image placement. Would that be what you are hearing with them.
@ pops, Hi my friend, It's been a while, I wanted to ask you, are you still using the Elrod power cables?, you know, some power cables are quriky on power amps, I have went thu that on my amps in the past, tell us what you have done there, likly, you went back to stock power cords?
Grey9hound, Hi, where are you at?, I was going to send waxwaves the one with ISm on board to listen to, on sending day, found out he can only use RCA I/Cs, what about you, can you run XLR with-out adapters?
@waxwaves. I agree. They are great cables. I would buy again without hesitation. Things are lifelike. They sound real. The cymbals and drums sound great. Just right.
@Calvinj, congrats on your new cables. Glad you are enjoying them! Yes, the Tara Labs cables allowed me to hear rich harmonic textures, like that of real instruments being played.

I want my system to sound as true to life as possible. My experience with Tara Labs Air 1 is that they are capable of that kind of presentation. Other cables that I tried could not do it. Air 1 got the special info correct IMO. Instruments and voices in the proper places and seem to have space around them. Often, I get a sense of the room in which the music is being played, recording dependant of course. Very emotional stuff. They do this in a laid back manner, never forward sounding, which is a very important quality in a cable IMO.
To sum up, these cables in the right system will exhibit multidimensional lifelike sound that makes the speakers disappear, and they are also capable of the deepest most lifelike bass reproduction I have heard.
Hi Everybody, I wanted to say something here, Thankyou so much for coming here, and that this is the peoples thread, you can talk about any cable you desire, you can say it's better than a model of taralabs, you can talk about tubes, tube equipment, solid state,Resonance control devices, power cords for sure, I want to know about what is possible out there, no mattter the brand,, Hey, we can all learn together here!
@waxwaves. There are some haters on the ct1 thread. They are very sensitive over there. Lol. I now own the tara labs 2ex with ism on board interconnect. Lifelike and great with my jazz quartets. Sounds Live.
@waxwaves. There are some haters on the ct1 thread. They are very sensitive over there. Lol.
Did some haters who are insecure with their cables have our old TARA Labs thread booted? Haha what a laugh. Well, ours do have a little more girth! Lol!

I love my Air 1 cables and feel lucky to have them. What they bring to my system continues to amazed me. Thanks Keith for keeping the thread going. You & John turned me on to TARA Labs cable on a similar thread a few years back. I haven't had the desire to change cable since!
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Thankyou Tabooe, this is our new home!, look forward to what you have to say, please do the review here, Happy listening.
Here I am! Waiting for my The 2 + HFX IC to arrive next week. I will write a review once I get them.
Thankyou Calvinj, I see you found our new home, I E-mailed you to, to make sure you knew where to find the thread, you know, That Taralabs thread, the one versus the 0.8 thread was our home for a very long time, we had 1,968 post, likly an all time record for one cable thread, thanks {Pops-Jerry} for starting that thread and all the memories!
@ pops@waxwaves@gammajo@audiolabryinth @all the others on the old tara labs thread. Let's get it started again.
@ calvinj, Hi, This is the thread!, make a post my friend, spread the word to Taralabs owners to elaborate on their cables on this thread, Happy listening.