Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
 Hi dave_b, The krell k 300I continues to burn in,  currently,  uncanny clarity has emerged from the sound stage,  mid-range  sounds impressive,  bass sounds natural,  but I'm in hope's of it getting much more deeper,  at first,  their was an emphasis on the upper mid-range that seemed to be on the bright side, that seems to be settling down  now to sound natural,  at high volumes,  this amplifier runs hot, but not to hot, warmest little krell I've encountered,  does your vanguard do this? 
500 hrs absolutely will do it...probably less.  I’m sticking with my Vanguard for now...perhaps if they release a 200w/ch version with Beefier Toroidal...but I am interested in your impressions.
Hi audiosaurusrex, The krell k300i seems to have better treble detail than the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  the Luxman treble is at the back of the sound stage,  where the Krell seems to be on roll f , not to forward,  but rather natural,  how long did it take you to break in the vanguard?, I'm assuming 500 hrs could do it,  worked before on past krell amplifiers. 
Thanks audiolabyrinth,
contacted tara and they will reterminate for $60/side. Reasonable enough. So what are your initial impressions of the k300?
I love my Vanguard! Just upgraded the power cord to a Shunyata Delta NR. Very happy with my tweaks.
Great Thread!
Hi audiosaurusrex,  I would get Tara Lab's to do the cutting and reterminateing of the speaker cable's,  the shorter cable's will sound a lot better, you will notice the difference, ☺🎵🎼🎶. Cheers
So I own an older pair of 15 ft RSC Primes Biwired into my Vandersteen 2ce's, I don't need that length so thinking about cutting them in half. Hate to waste the length so I'm thinking about replacing them. Some critics have said the Primes are kinda "day-dreamy". I never thought of them as that. They are rich and full-bodied to my ears, especially with my new Krell Digital Vanguard. Really do like them but need something else to compare them to. Will the decrease in length really be noticeable?
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I have a new krell 300 k xd integrated amplifier coming for an audition,  should be here in 2 weeks or less. 🤓
I sold the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  I'm in the process of auditioning different amplifier's and integrated amplifier's.
I have had the Tara Lab's cobalt reference power cord a few month's now, I believe it's fully broken in now,  an improvement over the original Tara Lab's cobalt power cord,  at $8,000.00 retail,  bigger sound stage in all directions, a wonderful sounding power cable. 
@Audio labyrinth
Thank you for your reply. They are indeed old but really must have been pretty good in their day as my system is liking them a lot. Heck, the system electronics are also old. I'm thrilled with the sound. Looked at their newer line, but it's out of line in my case. I'll just sit back, relax and enjoy.
@ gillatgh, Hi,  Sorry I  just getting back here, I have been boxing audio equipment,  posting ads, etc.. I'm glad you are enjoying those old entry level Tara cable's,  been along time since I seen those, l still have in my collection the very first built Tara Lab's cable's,  it's history,  they sound good for what they are,  cheers. 
Never mind, I have my answer. They maybe old like me but wow I'm impressed! I can actually hear a real improvement. Having tried AQ, Transparent,  Kimber, JW, Monster, Blue Jean and some I can't remember these Tara labs really make my system sing. Best I've tried, very impressive. I guess there is something to be said for synergy.Think I'll  hang on to these.
Hi there, just happen upon this thread and someone here might enlighten me. Recently I purchased a set of Tara labs RSC 1000 biwire, I figured it couldn't be any less than the blue jeans currently in use. Lexicon pre, Emotiva amp, combo, rogue pharaoh.  I know the cables are late 90s or so. Any idea what I can expect? Never tried any Tara product or heard any.
Any one tried the Tara Lab's instrument cable's?, if you are a musician,  these two models that are offered is the way to go. 
The answer to your post, unfortunately, I  have to sell the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier,  as good as it is, I  believe I need to have more current for the magico q3 speaker's,  these need a lot to get better bass, the Luxman L-509X integrated amplifier is a fine amplifier. 
Leog2015, Hi,  I wanted to check with you if you actually pulled the trigger on the Tara Lab's muse cable's,  and what's your impression's,  cheers.
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Has anyone seen the New Tara Lab's  head phone cable's? https://www.taralabs.com/products/item/17-headphone-cables/138-omega-livehttps://www.taralabs.com/products/item/17-headphone-cables/137-master-livehttps://www.taralabs.com/products/item/17-headphone-cables/136-echo-live
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The Tara Lab's muse speaker cable's and interconnect's are musical,  takes quite a long time to break in,  400 hrs to start hearing a substantial improvement,  as it turns out, 500 hrs you are getting most of the performance values of the cable's. 
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I read on a popular amplifier thread recently that the op believes that an integrated amplifier gives most of the house sound of any given brand,  wow!, that's silly at best,  I assure you my amplifier is a completely different animal than any krell integrated amplifier I ever owned or listened too, that said,  there is no way I believe a Dan D Agostino Intergrated amp will have the house sound of the Dag M400 mono block amplifiers or the Relentless mono block amplifiers that is the current flagship amplifier. 
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Wow!,  Having two Tara Lab's cobalt reference power cord's is incredible,  I have one on the amplifier,  another on the dac, and a cobalt standard on the transport,  you need to hear this to believe it🤓😃
I have been quite busy with audio,  The Tara Lab's cobalt reference power cord is a surprise!, this is a worthy step up from the cobalt power cord with oyaida terminations,  I  did over 400 hrs of burn in time,  I enjoy this improvement so much that I ordered another cobalt reference power cord 🍹🍸🍷🥃🍺
Hi kodak805, Thankyou for bringing this to my attention, oh, not again, a couple year’s back this happened, I contacted Tara Lab’s and the next thing I knew the listing disappeared, Tara Lab’s never disclosed that if it was really Mathew bond are not, which I find strange! Mathew did a few year’s back design some cable’s for a company that he was involved with called Madison audio labs, I suppose that business adventure ended, I’m not sure if the person is fake or not, I will definitely look into this next week, during the mean time I would definitely not buy this cable!, yes, Mathew is still a designer and consultant for Tara Lab’s.
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Good Day Keith!

What do you know, if anything, about Matthew Bond and his company?  Is he still affiliated with TARA Labs as a designer, consultant, etc.?  Is his company just a division of TARA or a competitor?

I raise these issues because of this current listing:


Do you have any knowledge of this specific product?  I currently have the TARA Labs Zero Evolution XLR interconnects which he claims are outperformed by his cables.

Thank you in advance!


Kodak, TN
Hi Audiolabyrinth, yes I have 509x. I don't see that 509x has narrow/shallow soundstage. When played low to moderate sound levels, its actually very good, but pushed harder its (to me) sounds a little distorted. I think the pre-amp section in the 509x is great and this is why the 509x sound so refined and textured, but the amplifier section is a little underpowered.  I come to realization, that unless I get high sensitivity speakers or  small listening  room, I shouldn't buy anything with power less than 250w /per 8 ohm and doubling it at 4 ohm. You need that kind of power to get that relaxed but powerful sound with great soundstage. I see you did it all correct- great cables, dedicated outlet. I don't think fuses will help so. To get the full potential out of your Magico q3,  I think you need something like gryphon diablo, pass int-250 or vitus ri-101 or go with separates.
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Auduiolabyrinth, are you considering replacing luxman with something else, or you will keep it?
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Finally decided for the Muse combo, speaker, interconnects and interface. 
Thanks audiolabyrinth for your comments.
@ leog2015, If you can authenticate the Tara Lab's  omega gold speaker cable's,  it would be a clear choice,  nice equipment you have 🤓.
I’m trying to decide between this 3 option of Tara Labs speaker cables:

The 0.8
The Muse
The Omega Gold

Using Evolution Acoustics MM3s and KR Audio Kronzilla DXLs. Monoblocks.

Which one?
The Tara Lab's muse speaker cable's and interconnect's are musical as advertised,  very good cable's for magico q3 speaker's. 
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