Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 29 responses by jafant

Another thought Audiolabyrinth, as I know, you love your Krell amps. Check out audio asylum, look into forums and look in the amp/preamp thread. There is a gentleman asking info about his cool-running KSA-100 power amp.
Read it over and let me know your thoughts. Happy Listening!
As always, very nice talking to you earlier today Audiolabyrinth. Hope you are doing well and enjoying your Krell power amp. Look over the thread "most holographic" power cords and give the gentleman some opinion on Tara Labs. I am sure he will enjoy your point of view, as we, were talking about Kubala Sousna and Stage III Concepts (my reference) power cords. Keep me posted & happy listening!

Happy New Year!
Good talking to you yesterday Audiolabyrinth-
I have been on both A'gon & Audio Asylum for over 10 years.
Hope you and your family are enjoying this last day in 2014. I am ready for a new year! Keep me posted & Happy listening! JA
Good Day All-

I will defend Keith (audiolabyrinth) as he very clearly knows TL cables/cords inside and out. We have enjoyed many conversations both online & offline. This man believes in TL and has owned many, many of their products over the years. He is also an authority on older Krell power amps, which he continues to use in 2015.

We both enjoy the passion of after market cables and power cords. Different brands and tastes aside- I stand tall w/ Audiolabyrinth. Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Hello Keith,

wanted to get an update on your Krell amp?
Hope you are well and enjoying the holiday season.
Keep me posted & Happy Holidays!

what is in your system now (2016)?
Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I will be back on the coast soon and awaiting your invitation for a system demo session!

you are a Krell guy- tell me about the KAV-300i integrated amp?

Happy Listening!
I figured that you have owned or at least auditioned this model.

Any opinion on the Krell KAV-400ix ?
TY- Keith

the 300i is all original, I would offer $750.  The 400xi has been recently serviced and re-capped in CA - I would offer $1000. Which one is the better and most musical?

I own Thiel CS 2.4se loudspeakers and you know that these babies crave high-current.  Which Tara Labs did you have connected w/ yours?

Happy Listening!
Much Thanks! audiolabyrinth

I will keep you posted. I can demo the 300i prior to purchase.
The 400xi -I cannot demo prior to any purchase.

Which cables/cords did you use w/ your 300i ?
Possibly- Keith.
I want to demo the 300i to get a "taste" of Krell. Then, I will make a buying decision.  Cabling suggestions?
TY- Keith.

how is your system coming along? Are you up and running?
I certainly want to listen to it!  Happy Listening.

Keith- check out my Virtual System.  What gear are you running now?

Happy Listening!

what gear is in your system this New Year?
Check out my pics in Virtual Systems.

Happy Listening!