Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.
Melbguy1, curious why you think gold is a better choice? I definitely don't want to soften up the top end or warm up the sound.
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Misternice and Audiolabyrinth,

I use a Furutech GTX-D rhodium from the wall to my system. There is not a hint of brightness. On the contrary, it eliminates the brightness of other receptacles.
Btw melbguy1 I am VERY jealous of your Vitus gear! I would love to own one of their integrateds but alas I have to feed my kids. :)
Hi Tboooe, I do not believe the furutech GTX-D Gold will ever soften anything up in sound, The Rhodium does have a slight edge in detail with a little more ump in the bass, but with this comes an imeadiate sound, more forward, these discriptions is what Chris Vanhause of vh-Audio has told me on the phone, and I asked his reccomendation for my system, he said use all Furutech GTX-D Gold, if you look back at some of the other post, you can see that Chris told Melbguy1 the same thing he told me, and you can see that Melbguy1 also said Chris said that their is a slight difference between the two, Rhodium and Gold, Chris has told me to use The Rhodium on tubey sounding equipment, or tube amps or pre-amps, but on tube cd-players, Chris said stick to the Gold for that as well, that Is why I am getting two GTX-D Gold outlets,In your situation, I would still call Chris there at vh-Audio and ask him his recommendation, it may turn out that you do need the Rhodium? cheers.
Tboooe, yes, Melbguy1 does have quite the system, I have known him over the last couple of years or so, believe me, he always keeps a bad ass system one way or the other, I know his past equipment, and seen how his tast in sound has changed over time slightly,The Magico speakers is the first time I have seen him buy American audio, I'm sure he has had some in the past that I do not know about, maybe he will tell us all the American audio he has ever owned, would be a great read, cheers.
Welcome back to the thread Sts, I have been told by a few members exactly what you posted, Is it difficult to install an furetech IEC?, my wife solders for a living in a electronics factory, she is tops there and trains many, I have looked at the furutech IEC's and there appears to be a diagram for a cut out involved, I assume the IEC may be bigger than a factory one?, or is there a universal standard size for all?
Welcome to the thread Sabai, since all of us are getting or going to get some Furutech GTX-D recepticles, can you elaborate on your exsperince here for us?, I have a few questions I hope you do not mind answering, Did you get the pre-cooked version?, How long is the burn-in proccess on a furutech GTX-D after the pre-cooked or without all to gether pre-cooked after installment into the wall for system play back?, another question, in general, will you tell of us of some sound details of the Rhodium version that you have?, Thankyou.

Thank you for your welcome. I took the GTX-D rhodium from a component. It was already burned in with at least 100 hours on it. The rhodium is now installed in the wall feeding the whole system. The sound is open, warm and clear as a bell without any harshness at all compared to other receptacles I have used. I cannot compare the gold to the rhodium because I have never used the gold in my system.

But I did compare The Furutech gold IEC inlet to the Furutech rhodium IEC inlet in my DIY power conditioner. The gold came back out as quickly as it went in. It made the sound so cloudy that the music was unlistenable. With the rhodium reinstalled everything fell back into place.

I have installed a Furutech rhodium IEC inlet in my power regenerator and the sound is beautiful compared to the stock IEC inlet. Regarding the use of gold accessories, in the past I have tried the Oyaide P-079 gold-plated plug in my system -- at the wall. The sound was so cloudy that I had to remove it. Actually, I prefer cords with Furutech FI-28 terminations to most cords with Oyaide terminations, even Oyaide M1/F1 terminated cords. The exception to this is the David Elrod Statement Gold power cord that is terminated with Oyaide M1/F1. But I suspect that if it were terminated with Furutech FI-28s the sound might improve. Some of us have suggested to David Elrod that he try out Furutech FI-28 terminations on his cords. I hope he does in order to compare.
Hi,another reason I went for the gold,I didn't really want any more transparency or possibly a more clinical sound.For my cd player,the gtx gold mite be worth a try.Ill try the pre and amp on it aswell,just to know.Keith once the gtx and new pc settle in,ill go through all the cds,put the great sounding ones to the left for this player.My not so good sounding favourites.Ive been thinking,I have got a similar cd player back home,putting on a not so revealling interconnect.Another option,isnt it,running 2 cd players.I don't want to be spending thousands more on my system to be honest.
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Hi sabai, can you list your componet equipment so I can get a grip as to why a Rhodium outlet sounds better to you?, I have not made my purchase yet, so your info is critical, remember, I will not stand for a forward sound,Imeadiate, in my face, etc..., that is whats said of rhoduim products, if your equipment is laid back by nature, than yes, Rhodium is a good fit.
Misternice, your reasons sound very valid to me, as a matter of fact, I do not need anymore resolution my self, My sound is far from analitical, However, I stride to keep it that way, great post you did, made alot of sence.
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Thank you Melbguy1...though I must admit I am still undecided! Maybe I will just get both!

Sorry but I beg to differ. You can "go wrong" with either in my system. There is in fact a "drastic difference" between them in my system. Gold was a step down, not a step up in my system.


The rhodium is not forward sounding in my system. I have a tube amp and tube preamp. I would not believe everything "they say" about rhodium.
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Beyond my tube amp and preamp -- simply listing components will not do much to describe how my system sounds, and why it sounds as it does, because I used a daisy-chained front end and I run cables in series. These are kinds of things you don't often hear about, but that can attract a lot of negative attention here. So, I don't really like to go into things on the forum. You can MP me for more information.

When you stated "Everyone's system is different, so ultimately you'd have to make the call on what is right for you", you hit the nail on the head. Nobody can make rules for your system, especially if it includes anything at all unconventional. You have to experiment and make the call regarding what works, what does not work, and what works best.
Thanks Melbguy1, your logic is precisely why I am leaning towards Rhodium. My Sonus Faber Evolution monitors are on the warm side of neutral so I dont want to go further with the Gold.
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Sabai, Hi, did you get my last post to you, you were helpful, and I was hoping you could respond to my last post to you?
Hi Calvinj, I did not want to post this on the thread where I normally find you, I am glad you adjusted you claasified sales of your cable, However, This is real important what I am about to tell you here, The model, The one that you are selling is a version that has only the componet ground, which is 100% inferrior to the model, The one with HFX grounding station, The HFX grounding station has componet grounding and floats the shield, and filters RFI/EMI through the ceralex material inside the grounding station, the componet grounding scheme you had with your cable does not have ceralex, nor does it filter RFI/EMI, That box that you had was the cheapest atternative Tara labs presented back years ago if a customer could not afford the box that said, Tara labs, This box is not a HFX grounding station, The original grounding station that said Tara Labs on it only was a grounding station with less Ceralex material inside and without componet grounding capabilitys, so there were 3 versions of the grounding stations for this cable, what I am also saying is that you never heard the performance capability of the Tara Model called, The One, no where near it's potential!
calvinj, you are asking a fair price for your version of the Tara labs, The One interconnect, but your description of your title of what it is is NOT Correct, this is NOT a ISM on board cable, the ISM on board means small amounts of ceralex inside of a cylinder that is on each interconnect is ON the cable its self, in the signal path, the correction on your title should read, The One interconnect with componet grounding, that is it, thats what it is, hope this helps.
Thankyou so much for your reply, I am confused here, I am happy that I have not made my purchase yet, I will Pm you as you asked, so be looking for the mail, Confused is because Chris Vanhause clearly has stated that the Rhodium is best for tube amps and pre-amps, Do you know in your opinon, Is Rhodium better sounding to you on top solid state equipment?, You have been a great asset to us all, nothing like asking those who have lived with a product over time, Reply when you can, Happy listening.

Rhodium can also work well for ss equipment. Of course, this is system dependent. I will be glad to reply to your PM.

I should point out that this is the sound of the system -- not the sound of the rhodium. I can say that the rhodium makes the sound much more natural and pleasing to the ears than the gold. Of course, this is system dependent.
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@audiolabyrinth. Did the you check out the resonessence mirus dac I told you about.

Audiolabyrinth did not state that he has ss gear. He stated he wanted my opinion on ss gear and I gave it.

I have clearly stated why I want to chat privately about this. What could possibly be the problem with using this service provided by Audiogon?

My observations may be "incongruent" with the observations of others. This does not negate their validity. No one has more experience with my system than me. Frankly, I never worry too much about what others say. I always trust my own ears. After all, they are not listening to my system.
calvinj, no, not yet, thanks for reminding me, I will today, did you look a few post up from these, I have a couple of post there for you here on this thread, happy listening.
looking at it now,cheers.interesting,another option.Ive tried to stay away from them in the past.
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Melbguy1, I believe sabai is sharring his exsperience with IEC's, which BTW are made different than the recepticles, The GTX-D as you said is pure copper at the base metal, then plated with Rhodium or gold, David, to mass the confussion more, I researched these recepticles more on audiogon past threads of the GTX-D recepticles, there seemed to be alot of members that had gold and went to Rhodium with satisfying results, However, the ones that did had tube equipment, to bad we cannot rent these things like cables and find whats best for our paticular systems, that would be great wouldnt it david?

Accusations should be carefully backed by the facts. In your case the facts contradict your accusations. Referring to the GTX-D I clearly stated "I cannot compare the gold to the rhodium because I have never used the gold in my system." You are accusing me of something I clearly never stated nor implied.

I have stated clearly that rhodium usually works better than gold in my system. This refers to both my ss and tube based systems. I have also used Furutech rhodium-plated spades and preferred them to most gold-plated spades used on speaker wires from different companies. I may be mistaken but I believe there is a very good reason why Furutech makes rhodium products.

Regarding rhodium versus gold, there are no authorities here -- neither Chris VenHaus nor his customers nor anyone else. No one knows their system better than themselves. The only authorities are one's own ears. If gold works for you it works for you. If rhodium works for you it works for you.

By the way, unless I am mistaken I think that Audiolabyrinth can speak for himself.
Tboooe, did you buy your digital cable new or used?, tell us your impressions here as well, we do not mind at all.
I have a tube cd-player running direct to a modded krell 700cx solid state amp, looking into, perhaps krell's finest pre-amps ever made to grace my amp in the near future, my bucket list so to speak of, you guys know how this goes, Exspensive!, takes time for me to get anything it seems, that will change very soon!
Audiolab, I didnt buy the HF. Its on loan from The Cable Co along with the Purist Audio Design Aqueous Aureus Luminist. These two cables are definitely different! I will post my thoughts after I listen for a bit.
Tboooe, Hi, Thanks, I look forward to what you have to say about the digital cables.
Hi Tboooe, I do not know your budget, However, If you want the last digital cable you will ever buy?, There is a Tara Labs digital Zero Gold with HFX grounding station that retails for $7,500.00 going for $2,450.00 here on the audiogon used market in mint shape, I am sure you can shoot a little lower offer and try to buy, then you could call it the day and live happy ever after.