Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 14 responses by rebel721

Jeb, Yes I heard as well. But when does it end ? I mean how much better can they really get once your at this level. I mean we're talking really small percentages here. IMO....it won't be worth the money.
No, I am getting the Evolution Omega's speaker cables with the Evolution Zero interconnects. I am not even thinking about Grandmaster anything. You got to draw the line somewhere and this is where I think it's insanity spending that king of money....Not needed. The Evolutions will have no equal which will be good enough for me.
Iblive, No I have not. But I did own there flagship interconnects on my P2/D2 set up so I would assume that they possess the same character sound like the Esoteric gear. I found all the Esoteric gear to be extremely revealing but lacked texture and body. I noticed this when I demoed the Ypsilon gear in my home. Ypsilon was on a whole other level and the difference was not subtle.
Hey Folks...
I am a Tara Labs cable owner. I currently own the Omega Gold speaker cables and the Zero Gold Digital cable. Both are best on the planet bar none. I just placed an order for their new Evolution Omega speaker cables and Evolution Zero interconnects. One thing I will tell you is that the Cobalt power cord is nothing compared to my Stage 3 Krakens. They obliterated them. Also, my Exemplar Portal PC,s killed them as well. They are not very good and you can find better at much less cost. Very overrated. PS Audio's AC12 beat this cable as well at a fraction of the price. Stage 3 Krakens is the best PC out there right now. Try them and you won't regret it!
Jeb, glad you took the plunge on the Krakens. I'm sure you agree with me that they are the best PC's on the planet. If you want to experience the best power conditioner / distributor on the planet then you need to get the HB Cable Design PowerSlave Marble. Read the reviews, best out there bar none. My system is absolutely dead quite with mind boggling energy, power and dynamics.
The Krakens possess great weight and heft along with a dead silent background. Tremendous power and energy. You will hear everything the recording has to offer.
1blive - Yes to your question. The Cobalt is NOT a reference level PC in my opinion. I share with this with several others that have owned them. There are far better cords out there for less money that are better. Exemplar Portals are far better and cost $1800 retail. This is one of Tara LAbs weak links in their chain of cables. When I had the opportunity to demo the Krakens in my home, it was then that I realized the difference in reference level gear. Your power setup is the most important thing when setting up your system. If this isn't done right then you will never realize true reference level sound. Any of the Stage 3 PC's are better than the Cobalt. Trust me on this.
AudioLabrynth - Yes. I remember that. The new Evolution Omega speaker cables retail for $32k not $2k more. They are $8k more than the Omega Golds. I will surely let everyone know how they sound. Word on the street is that these are the best cables anyone has heard and I am talking about the professional community. I didn't need to hear them because I new. I will never move away from the Krakens as there is not a better cord out there than this at any price point. The dynamics from my system are OFF THE CHARTS with the Stage 3 Krakens and the HB CAble Design PowerSlave Marble power distributor. People, you must hear this combination. It is simply incredible !
Audiolabyrinth, Yes....I know but you have to draw the line somewhere and quite frankly those cables are absurd looking and expensive. Can't justify either. The Evolution Series will be the new reference out there and the Grandmaster is for the extremely well healed who just have to have nothing but the best. I am confident that these new cables will be my LAST such as my YPSILON gear. Once I get these cables I will have reached the END GAME. I will be at my final resting spot and will no longer need to upgrade anything anymore as my system will be amongst the best in the world.
I highly recommend Krakens on all your amps and preamp. You don't need them on your digital, although I have them on ALL my components and it is just unbelievable.
If you think that Acrolink PC9500 sounds amazing...The Kraken is on a whole other level. You will get more of everything your hearing now along with dead silence and unbridled power and energy. Trust me...I wouldn't steer anyone wrong. I have spent countless thousands in search of the BEST OF THE BEST and I have found it and I am willing to share it with everyone.
Jeb, once your at the level of the Kraken there is no need to go to that EXTREME level which would only yield a very small performance increase I believe. I believe it would be very small return on your money.
I hear good thing about Stealth cables. I like their design as it is very similar to the TL Zero Series. I was considering auditioning them until I decided to just take the plunge and get the new TL Evolutions.
Ypsilon gear is just plain magical. The sound is absolutely breathtaking. Your basically getting the best of SET design along with power of solid state. If anyone ever gets the chance to hear this gear...YOU MUST GO LISTEN. Trust me....you may not hear anything else like it again. Super transparent with unbelievable detail, tremendous body and texture along with BASS TO DIE FOR ! All of the best attributes....could go on and on....