Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 6 responses by pops

Yes, the CS6 moves more air so it is more dynamic. It also has a different tweeter/midrange design so it is a little more forgiving than the 3.6. It is also a little easier to drive. Still plenty revealing.

I lived with the Eggy's for a while and could never get the thiel sound out of my blood!
Audiolabyrinth I am not using the Elrod or any aftermarket PC. Haven't found one I like long term. Do they impact a system, absolutely! One cord can make a difference - I hear it and am not a naysayer. I just prefer stock cords in my system. I find PC's sweeten up the midrange and screw with the frequency extremes. They also make the background blacker which I think sucks the air out.

I find them enticing at first and not interesting long term. I am also not using any digital. I always had aftermarket cords on my digital rig.

Thanks for the call out Keith, I haven't been on the thread in a while.
Keith - the Thiels are sounding great. They bite when asked to bite and the are mellow when asked! I will be anxious to hear your impressions of the Cobalt PC.
Audiolabyrinth - I do not, only have 1 pair and I am using them, the 0.8EX..Are you looking for some?