Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 50 responses by calvinj

Wow! Keith you got to get them straight. How do they sound? Characteristics from owners or others.
Hey they are making some really nice double wides nowadays. Low cost low maintenance leaves more money for audio.
Well as much as I have looked at this thread I never get any comments on how they sound. It has become shiny jewelry. Yes I have very expensive cables. I just wanted more feedback on soundstage, treble, midrange, texture, weight, air etc. It seems like as a person who would try them that I don't get any information outside of specs. I would like any actual taralabs users to chime in and tell me what you think. I've heard them in a really good system and they seemed great but I really wouldn't know without other owners chiming in. I don't care about how they are made. I care about the sound. I guess somebody got sent on vacation. However any comments on actual sound.
I have owned a couple. But I haven't owned the upper high end. The best I had was the one. I just wondered how their best of the best sounded or some of their entry level cables. As usual not much talk on sound just specs and funny little signs. Well I guess this is what this thread has turned into.lol
@barruch86 thanks for the input. I had the one and the 2 interconnect before but never had anything else. I was just wondering. I see a million posts on this thread not a lot of description of how they actually sound. Thanks.
I've had good experiences with high fidelity, clarity cable and atlas mavros. The taralabs "The One" was pretty good as well. The made the instruments jump out a little. I like it though.
@barruch86. Thanks. I'm running gato fm6 speakers, kr audio va 900 integrated amplifier. Resonessence mirus dac. Ear acute CD player. High fidelity URR power cord. Clarity organic power cord. High fidelity ultimate interconnects, atlas mavros speaker cables. Thanks for your response. Glad you answered my question directly. As far as sound I'm happy. I'm tube rolling my ear acute CD player to tune it right in to what I like. @audiolabyrinth. The acute CD player is really good. As far as what I've heard I only liked the soulutions 540 and the accuphase a little better. Dave Baskin let me hear those 2 players in the past. See you are not the only one good at copy and paste. Lol. Keith do what makes you happy and if Tara labs does it. Then do it. The hell with everybody else. Lol.
@jmac good post. You are ears above everybody else. Way to go. Lol way to have audiolabryinth compliment your point of view and agree with you fully. You are so audio smart. Lol.
Barruch86. I got my stuff on a suggestion from gary at audio emotion in Scotland. My gear is niche. YouTube the videos on the brands. They are pretty good. The key is the combination as a system sounds good. I'm a little different.
I like the EAR acute. The parasound cd1 was good. However the solutions 540 is mind blowingly organic and musical. Best player ever heard in my life.
@andrew9405. That's funny I haven't seen made up words and things that good since the wayans brother in living color prison skit.
Yes the post gave me a flashback to Damon wayans. Lol. I think Tara labs makes a great product too bad I don't hear more insight on the different levels of cables. I would like to know how the .08 ex sounds. If I'm saying that right. Lol.
@zephyr24069. I might try that out then. Interesting to see how they would sound in my system. I'm glad they didn't do a men on audio skit. That would be just wrong! Lol. @andrew9405 mowing lawns is an honest living. BIG LAWNS BIG CHECKS!
Ohhhhh Andy! Floyd from the Andy Griffith show just fought back. I love that show. @audiolabryinth how is your system sounding. What kind of music you listening to!
Keith don't get too hot you know how they are on this thread big brother is watching. Lol. Keep your enthusiasm my friend.
I got them brand new shipped from the Gato factory I have them in the dark cherry wood looking mahogany color. Look at their website. It's hard to compare them to something. The are neutral with excellent vapor like treble extension. Ring radiator tweeter. Really tight bass. Excellent midrange. They reproduce what you feed them. I got them based on a friend of mine having them. There may be on 5 to 7 pair in the U.S. They are big in Europe. My system is a little eclectic. I wanted it to be different. I'm very happy with my speakers.
Yes. I know the guy. They retail at $14,000 and they have to be shipped direct from Denmark or from the dealer in Scotland. You won't find them anywhere else in the United States. You know I change speakers a lot but these are my last speaker at least for the next 8 years or more. I'm extremely happy. Paired with my kr audio it puts me in the audio matrix.
@zephyr24069. They are a good speaker. I won't be buying a speaker again for a long time. With the kr audio va 900 *AKA* "The Baby Kronzilla" the sound is sublime and intoxicating. Great match for me.
@anyone. Are there any Tara labs owners with talk of how they work or sound in their systems. Would like to know actual real life owners in real life system performance.
This thread is dead. No information I'm out. Maybe one day I will hear real opinions on the actual sound.
Yup. No comments on sound of the Tara labs. Lots of moderation less information.
@audiolabyrinth. Post your system. Post your system. Post your system. We should be able to see it show us the proof.  You audio cred is on the line!
@audiolabyritnth yes I have been tube rolling my E.A.R. Acute CD player. First tubed upper end CD player I had that ayon cd2s debacle. I use it for my cd's then I use the resonessence mirus for my other files. I have dsd files on a sd card that play on my dac's sd card slot.
Ok fellas, just saw the responses. I always wanted to hear what the other Tara labs sounded like. I'm going to look and see how the compare to the atlas mavros and the high fidelity cables I use. I also sometimes use clarity cable Im going to try all of this out and see what happens. Good heads up on pricing. We will see how they help or hurt my system. Will be good to actually talk about sound for a change.
We are all nuts. I look at all our posts. We are defensive about our systems. I'm careful from this point on because for the money spent on mods and cables I can upgrade my equipment. But I'm happy where I'm at. If y'all ever in Dallas let me know. You can hear it and see it all.
@audiolabryinth. Tell them kieth how your system is better than all of this overpriced stuff that is being put out now.
@audiolabryinth. Uh oh Keith you got to defend your system. Ears don't lie!
Well I think that system matching is very important. Cables are important but up to a point. I believe in having really good cables but I also believe in having great components and speakers. My system is not made of household names. I have a gato fm6 speaker. They are newer and have great technology in them. My integrated amplifier is made by KR audio. Va 900. Nicknamed the baby Kronzilla. My dac is resonessence labs mirus. Made by the brother of the maker of the sabre dac chip. I use a mix of high fidelity cables, atlas mavros and clarity cable. I think you can get great sound out of older equipment but I think there have been some great advances in sound, speaker, dac, and cable technology. I think you should have a great mix of all. There is a point that I won't go past as far as cable price. I try to match what I spend in my system and even it out. I would not put 40,000 in cables on 4,000 worth of gear. I would put 4 to 8k in cabling on 40k of gear. To me that's comparative but to each his on. I have a great amount invested in cabling right now but I have some really great Gear with newer technology. Just my opinion. Not judging anyone.
Tara labs make some really good cables. I will only spend so much in cables though. But it depends on if you like what you hear.
Yup. You are right. I think I'm going to keep the cables I got and roll with it. I will have to hear them at a show or something.
Zephyr24069. How are the Kubala sosna emotions. @audiolabryinth post your system show them Keith that you are the man!
Wow, sorry I asked. Goodness! I guess I shouldn't have wondered why 15 to 25k worth of cables would go on 7 or 8k worth of gear. I might be wrong about the numbers but I just wanted to see how your set up looks.  Sometimes that works.  I was just curious. I guess everyone just wonders because of the way you post. Not saying you don't believe in Tara labs. I guess some of the people got turned off by the posts. However, I will limit my posts towards you or about your comments
Lol.  Seriously. Muse interface. Wow.  Glad I'm basically done with my system.  Find what works for you and enjoy no need to compare.  If you like it use it!
@Hey man just poking at you. No sweat if you like Tara labs enjoy. Honestly, I quit paying attention to this thread or these cables a long time ago.  Who hooks up vintage gear to 50k in wires?   I'm retired.  I got what I got and I'm happy. Won't be on this thread. Keep doing what you do if it makes u happy. 
Oh I accidentally came back! Uh oh I hear trouble through the Tara Labs cables!