Taralabs cables

Hi, I wanted to start a new thread for all the owners of Taralabs cables, Enjoy, and cheers.

Showing 50 responses by calvinj

Just don't know yet. Hobby is expensive but the good stuff you can get sounds great
Don't know yet I will have some high fidelity stuff in it and I will build it based on that.
Yup. They have a magnolia home theater where they have the B&w 800d speakers. They sound real good.
@audiolabyrinth. If some is letting you in their home where they have those kind systems. They are going to tell you what cables they have ah duh!!!!
As far as cables being discounted i bought tara labs on audigon 60% off I got them up for sale now for over 60% off. There are not that many high fidelity up for sale that are up sale and the ones that are people are trying to move up to the high fidelity ultimates and ultimate reference with money from the sale. Frankly I don't care if you don't believe they are in YOUR conversation for best cables. It amazes me that because something is getting more attention than tara labs that you attack it like the new pretty girl in school and the girls that are already at the school are jealous and don't like her. I'm done with all the comparison crap with all the folks here. This conversation truly tells me that a lot of people who post here think their cables give them a higher sense of self worth etc. They believe their systems give them prestige and status. That whole idea is a joke to me. I enjoy the music. I never once hear the detractors talk about what they hear. They don't talk about soundstage, treble, Mids, bass, dynamics, voices, prat, speed, transparency etc. I also never here them tell us that they are listening to music and what music they are listening to. I'm interested in the music and I guess I'm not like most of the folks who post on these forums. So I think I'm gonna post a lot less and talk to folks that are in it for the music. I'm not gonna talk to folks who have self confidence issues who get real sensitive about things. We are grown a** men arguing over scientific sound mumbo jumbo that I could care less about. How does it sound??? That's all that matters to me. I see why people have started to limit who they talk to because you can spend hours talking to people here who do not have anything actually to say about sound or music. How are you gonna tell me what I have heard and not heard??? I have guys that are 25 to 45 minutes away from me that I can visit and have visited that have mega buck systems with top of the line cables. I have been to one system in this area that contains $400,000 in equipment room treatments and top of the line cables etc. Honestly, in the Dallas area I never see the mega buck systems use tara labs in this area. So to me they are not in the listening rooms of those who can afford them. I know of at least 4 megabuck systems who have the best of high fidelity in them. When we have in person cable discussions. TARA LABS are not ever brought up. I know that hurts kieth. Lol. It will be ok. Put some ice on that knot and the swelling will go down. Lol. They were not being used on the top of the line yg acoustics, raidho, voxativs, dynaudio, legacy and vintage horn speakers that I have listened to. They are not being used by the custom systems I have heard. What have you heard the top of the line Tara Labs on by the way. Chirp chirp chirp chirp. Quiet. I have decided that I'm gonna limit my posts to folks who want to talk about the actual sound and music. So if you want to talk about that then fine. However, I'm not engaging with the cheerleader mentality. Mean girls. Lol. I'm prettier than Becky and I'm jealous so let's talk about her. Lol. So high school. Well I'm gonna be brutally honest as I close this post with you kieth. A whole group of guys that talked to you on your last thread decided that when audiogon took it down that they would post to you anymore. I can kinda see why now. I don't have anything against you kieth but i can see how they felt it was a waste of time. No music talk, no sound talk. Just putting tara labs up on a pedestal without talking about the sound instead of materials. Also you never talk about the music. From this point on I will discuss music and sound only not AUDIO JEWELRY and SCIENTFIC BABBLE. I think those conversations will probably not be you. I'm not attacking you kieth. It's just I don't see you saying much outside of TARA LABS is the president, king and chief of all cables. 3 years of posts and I have never seen you once say something else good about another cable. Oh once, wireworld eclipse 6 or 7. I have heard those and they are not that good. But anyway enjoy the music if you listen at all. I think I should post less with folks that do what you do. I want to find people who talk sound and music. Good luck kieth!!! Aka "Mr. TARA LABS"
@audiolabyritnth. Look at the other thread. Enjoy Tara Labs!!! Remember Tara labs are fine with me. Happy listening my friend.
@ I have owned the 2 with ism on board kieth. Now take that!!! I sold it. Lol.
@audiolabyrinth. I'm never upset with you kieth. My cables keep me in a happy place.
@audiolabyrinth. I tried the wireworld eclipse 7 system. I was not impressed. I had it for a couple of months on a demo. It was just average. I can't speak on the higher level tara labs because I have not experienced those.
@audiolabryinth. Who knows. This business is more than just performance. Politics can be at play. I don't know. I guess I take all reviews with a grain of salt. I don't look for them to rate what I hear. You have to follow your own ears. Lol. You oughta know that by now. I love those magazines. However, I have bought things that they said were good and at times sounded like crap. It is what it is. This cable is fairly new. 5 years is a short time for a company like this one. I'm through with comparisons. If it works for me I don't care what they say.
@audiolabryinth. Just got a question. Why do you have this anti high fidelity obsession. I don't obsess over tara labs. I'm happy that they work for you. It's not a competition. I know some of the guys on that thread pushed your click button but you have to be comfortable in your cable of choice and your own opinion. Man enjoy your cables. I will enjoy mine. It's cool. I think they people get upset with you because you tara labs to the end of the earth and you put down all the other stuff and everything comes back to tara labs. I'm not offending you kieth. So don't go getting your blood pressure up.
@melbguy1 that is interesting question. Even my vienna acoustics beethoven baby grands retail at 5500. Even used they sell 3500. But I don't know I have seen some cables that really do some great things. I wish I could hear the higher end tara labs just to see how they sound. The cable company doesn't send them out as demos anymore. I wonder why they are not. It would be interesting to hear the higher ups. I won't comment on them since I haven't heard anything past the ones.
@audiolabryinth. Well that's wrong I have heard the best of other cable brands. I've heard 5 systems above 200k in cost with different cable brands. Once again there you go. I have had a 85k demo system inside of my home for an extended period. There you go. You are tara labs funny. I guess. Check my threads. I went on a listening tour. I've had great equipment in my home. Whatever man.
@audiolabyrinth. If some is letting you in their home where they have those kind systems. They are going to tell you what cables they have ah duh!!!!
As far as cables being discounted i bought tara labs on audigon 60% off I got them up for sale now for over 60% off. There are not that many high fidelity up for sale that are up sale and the ones that are people are trying to move up to the high fidelity ultimates and ultimate reference with money from the sale. Frankly I don't care if you don't believe they are in YOUR conversation for best cables. It amazes me that because something is getting more attention than tara labs that you attack it like the new pretty girl in school and the girls that are already at the school are jealous and don't like her. I'm done with all the comparison crap with all the folks here. This conversation truly tells me that a lot of people who post here think their cables give them a higher sense of self worth etc. They believe their systems give them prestige and status. That whole idea is a joke to me. I enjoy the music. I never once hear the detractors talk about what they hear. They don't talk about soundstage, treble, Mids, bass, dynamics, voices, prat, speed, transparency etc. I also never here them tell us that they are listening to music and what music they are listening to. I'm interested in the music and I guess I'm not like most of the folks who post on these forums. So I think I'm gonna post a lot less and talk to folks that are in it for the music. I'm not gonna talk to folks who have self confidence issues who get real sensitive about things. We are grown a** men arguing over scientific sound mumbo jumbo that I could care less about. How does it sound??? That's all that matters to me. I see why people have started to limit who they talk to because you can spend hours talking to people here who do not have anything actually to say about sound or music. How are you gonna tell me what I have heard and not heard??? I have guys that are 25 to 45 minutes away from me that I can visit and have visited that have mega buck systems with top of the line cables. I have been to one system in this area that contains $400,000 in equipment room treatments and top of the line cables etc. Honestly, in the Dallas area I never see the mega buck systems use tara labs in this area. So to me they are not in the listening rooms of those who can afford them. I know of at least 4 megabuck systems who have the best of high fidelity in them. When we have in person cable discussions. TARA LABS are not ever brought up. I know that hurts kieth. Lol. It will be ok. Put some ice on that knot and the swelling will go down. Lol. They were not being used on the top of the line yg acoustics, raidho, voxativs, dynaudio, legacy and vintage horn speakers that I have listened to. They are not being used by the custom systems I have heard. What have you heard the top of the line Tara Labs on by the way. Chirp chirp chirp chirp. Quiet. I have decided that I'm gonna limit my posts to folks who want to talk about the actual sound and music. So if you want to talk about that then fine. However, I'm not engaging with the cheerleader mentality. Mean girls. Lol. I'm prettier than Becky and I'm jealous so let's talk about her. Lol. So high school. Well I'm gonna be brutally honest as I close this post with you kieth. A whole group of guys that talked to you on your last thread decided that when audiogon took it down that they would post to you anymore. I can kinda see why now. I don't have anything against you kieth but i can see how they felt it was a waste of time. No music talk, no sound talk. Just putting tara labs up on a pedestal without talking about the sound instead of materials. Also you never talk about the music. From this point on I will discuss music and sound only not AUDIO JEWELRY and SCIENTFIC BABBLE. I think those conversations will probably not be you. I'm not attacking you kieth. It's just I don't see you saying much outside of TARA LABS is the president, king and chief of all cables. 3 years of posts and I have never seen you once say something else good about another cable. Oh once, wireworld eclipse 6 or 7. I have heard those and they are not that good. But anyway enjoy the music if you listen at all. I think I should post less with folks that do what you do. I want to find people who talk sound and music. Good luck kieth!!! Aka "Mr. TARA LABS"
@ "mr. Tara labs" one more thing. I know you will respond angrily because you are sensitive and my last post probably hurt your feelings and went deep into your cable insecurity. I anticipate a long, heated justifying your behavior response. It's ok kieth. I got my red everlast head gear on and I'm ready to take a punch but honestly. I'm gonna put my gloves down and walk away from this very small(ring)(thread) signing off.
@audiolabyrinth. My point exactly. I don't know. THe way you talk about High fidelity I would think that you heard them all. I never say one is better than the other unlike YOU. Lol. Man you are funny. I don't know. I just said here in Texas they are not in the systems that I have heard. I never said they were not good or criticized them. I don't need the world to tell me something is good I judge for myself. Forget it you don't you don't get it. I'm not gonna let you ajitate me. Lol. Good luck. I'm not gonna bother anymore. Lol.
Hmmm judging something you never heard. I don't know who would do a fool thing like that. LOL.
I was reading a reviewer article guy from Arizona talking about how a salesman was trying to just sell him something instead of listening to what he wanted and he was really turned off and didn't like the demo of the product and he went to another place out there and had a great experience with his regular long time dealer. You live and you learn. It's good to meet genuine people in the hobby. I have met some great people but there are sharks in the water if you are not careful. Ready his experience brought back bad memories for me. I love the music I love the hobby but everyone in it is not here for the right reasons. Be careful everyone and enjoy!!! Signing off.
I have the resonessence but I just sold my viennas. I'm using my toy monitors. I'm not using a digital cable right now I am listening to the albums on my sd card. My system is in a rebuilding mode right now. I will report out when I get it together.
@audiolabryinth. Seems like your thread is dying. I just think people are questioning whether you actually work for Tara Labs. I know you don't but you need to look back what you have been saying. I'm not attacking you but it seems like you got a few folks who don't want to interact with you or if they do they seem to be a little dismissive. You can say whatever you want but sometimes we have to self evaluate. I saying this to you out of concern. I would be careful with the tara labs cheerleading. I like High Fidelity because I had tried so may other cables and high fidelity actually works for me and I had long pleasing demos with it. I know tara labs works for you I think you need to temper your enthusiasm a little. Don't dog other cables and don't compare them to things you never heard. This not an attack its advice. People on threads what to know how the cables perform in the areas of treble, bass, midrange, prat, transparency, naturalness, soundstage, realism, timbre, texture etc. people want to hear about those things more than just a blanket statement of how one cable is better than the other by a mile. People are working on their systems and don't want the other banter. I have said a few things I shouldn't but I think no matter what thread you go on. We. You and I need to stay on topic. You really need to. I think people are avoiding you. Just a little friendly advice. Happy listening!!!!
@audiolabryinth. Damn wowww. They are swinging low at you. Good luck bro. Enjoy your cables and system. I wish you all the best.
@tonykay. You are so right. It goes on and on. @audiolabryinth. Hey if tara labs gets you to your musical happy place then so be it. Enjoy it!!!!! Different things will get our different ears where we want to be. Your system is your system regardless of if someone else likes it.
@csmgolf. I agree. I have raised brow on this one. My eyes got wide when I came back to look at this thread. I haven't seen anything like this!
I'm not going to pile on anyone. All I can say to all of this is wowwwww!!!
@everyone. Just be careful when you buy things. Make sure the folks that you purchase from are real people. This is the season to be scammed. I have had someone try me before. Make sure you protect yourself. We work hard to get our gear.
@audiolabryinth. Keep the good spirits up. You have have a true passion for tara labs. Lol. They are throwing darts at you. Just keep ducking. Lol.
@audiolabryinth. Keep the good spirits up. You have have a true passion for tara labs. Lol. They are throwing darts at you. Just keep ducking. Lol.
@audiolabryinth. You have a tara labs addiction. If it perks you ears I understand. Just keep ducking those Darts. Lol
@audiolabryinth. Man you got a nonstop tara labs motor. If it's sounds great to you continue to enjoy.
@audiolabryinth. I wasn't attacking you or your opinion about your cables. I was actually trying to be nice. I wasn't putting down your cables. I wasn't commenting on your cables. You are too sensitive about your Tara Labs. But that's cool I guess I should expect that. You took my comments and ran in a negative direction. No worries I wont come to this thread or even post in your direction again. Best wishes. #Dont talk just listen. I don't know what the majority of the Tara Labs cables sound like so I don't comment on how they sound or if they are good or not because I don't know. I haven't heard them. But anyway, sorry if you were offended. Good luck and I truly wish you the best. Now get back to posting to the faithful.
@keith. No worries keith. I won't post or comment on this thread or say anything else to you. You stay here and I will stay there. I speak for myself and I have my own opinion and experiences. Don't group me with anyone. Enjoy your cables and equipment I wish you well. One more thing. Don't let other people's opinions or words bother you so much. Be confident in your own observations. Don't worry about them. I don't.
@jmac it is the circle of life what a difference a year can make. After listening to the top of the line of both of these great brands I chose to go the HFC route. I'm not downing tara labs they make a great product. High fidelity won my ears over. I no longer cable search. @audiolabryinth. I just put my helmet on for you to tackle me now. Lol If tara labs does it for you keep enjoying it. They both sound great. cheers my friend.
@audiolabyrinth. How are you I don't think the things that the guys talk about even exist. They are not real answers. They are gobble goofing you. I think that Tara labs has some good products but these answers you are getting are moot serious ones. I hopeyou realize that. I don't post much anymore. I see this stuff and go wow!!!
Seriously, how do they sound different from other Tara labs or other cables in General. I don't hear a lot on the thread about the actual sound. I want opinions on the sound.
@audiolabyryinth. They are mixing stuff that does exist with stuff that doesn't. Lol. Anyway I got the gato fm6. Last speaker for me. I'm very happy. Got what I wanted. Got them from Denmark.
I liked the revels. They were great. System synergy. The revels require a crazy amount of power. A lot of solid state power. I wanted an integrated tube amplifier based system. The gato has an amazing ring radiator tweeter. It's special. It's so realistic. The decay on its tweeter is airy and vapor like.
@budburma have you ever heard any of the kubala sosna emotion cabling. I saw your warm cabling comments. Just was asking your thoughts. @audiolabryinth how are you ok. Maybe I will try the .08 interconnects one day. Hope all is well. @melbguy1 how are you I hope everything is going ok. It got nasty on the threads so I stopped posting for a while. I been listening. I got my kr audio va 900 with my gato fm6 speakers. I'm enjoying it. I had some Kt 150 that I tried instead of the Kt 120 and I didn't like them so I put them back kt120 back in. More power is not always a good thing if you lose nuance. I have a mix of high fidelity ultimate. Clarity cable organic and atlas mavros speaker cables.
The kr audio va 900 is a handmade amp out of Czechoslovakia. It is an tube integrated amplifier. It is 80 watts per channel. It uses the kt120 tubes. It has a neutral and very nuanced sound. It is very musical. It has great musical flow. It sounds better than most amps in its price range. They call it the baby kronzilla. The atlas mavros are out of the UK. Whathifi gave them 5 stars. They are a really good cable. I still use my high fidelity ultimate interconnects and power cord with them. I'm enjoying it all.
Well just seems like low discussions on cables with equipment and how it sounds with the music playing. I would like to hear more about what happens when the music is on. I wish I could hear more about that so my interest will be higher in hearing more of this product. I really don't care about specs. If it sounds good I want if it has great specs it means nothing to me. Kieth don't go getting into your feelings about this post! I just want to know more about sound! No criticism of the product. Just want talk from other users about sound!
I wish I could hear the newer stuff. When are they going to another show kieth.