Tannoy Speakers

Who here owns, owned, or has auditioned Tannoy speakers? What did you think of them? If you no longer own them or opted to buy something else, can you tell me why? I'm trying to decide what my next set of speakers will be.

Showing 1 response by mikedimitrov

Tannoy bigger units Westminster and Canterbury need big room,good placement and powerfull amp.I had similar experience as Amfibius but after i changed my equipment from Naim to the best, the sound sudddenly is more focused,cleaner and opened,the bass is now exact and they just sound so much better overall.It would be hard to replace these speakers with something else to have qualities and design as these babies.You close your eyes and you sit in 4th row and hear it the same way as in a concert with great sonics.Sounding very natural and realistic,they are very balanced in all frequencies,some speakers are sounding to bright,some too mellow,some too punchy etc,but these have all positive and most important features for music lover.They are my last speakers I will ever own except maybee Westminsters.