Tannoy D700, 500 How do they sound?

I'm using two mono tube amps, 35-40 watts, trioded 6550Cs each, and wondering about suitable speakers, $2-4k, that are smooth, fun, dynamic, deep tight bass, for classical & jazz. Anyone heard the Tannoys? I've enjoyed Paradigm 100, Nova Applause, VMPS RM1. -Thanks!

Showing 1 response by jdeitch11d06d

I'm listening to D-500s right now. They're new, and need break-in time, so they're a bit raw; but they bode very well. Tremendous ease in the bass -- very, very relaxed there; they're just still a little harsh in the mids and edgy in the highs. The jury's still out, since I'm still fiddling with the right interconnects, room acoustics, positioning, etc., but they impressed me enough at the shop to buy a pair, and once I get them tweaked out, I'm pretty sure I'll come to love them. I catch myself, when I'm not being too critical since they're so new, smiling. They make a lot of noise for a little power, so if you don't have a big room, I'd go with the 500s. I was thinking about 700s, but I'm pretty sure they'd have punched holes in the walls, judging from the efficiency of the 500s. Jeff