
Responses from jdeitch11d06d

Best Interconnects and/or Speaker Cable
I just bought some Audio Note AN-Vz interconnects, and they are easily the best I've ever heard. Maybe the best I'll ever hear. Indescribably live-sounding. The music jumps out the speakers. The music has all kinds of texture, dimension, air. . . ... 
best CD player or DAC under $1000
You can get a used/demo Audio Note CD-2 for $800-1000. It's a tube output honey. Especially these days, people are unloading them to upgrade to the CD-3; I'm thinking of doing this myself. In any event, the CD-2 is smooth, sweet, and unintrusive. ... 
Tannoy D700, 500 How do they sound?
I'm listening to D-500s right now. They're new, and need break-in time, so they're a bit raw; but they bode very well. Tremendous ease in the bass -- very, very relaxed there; they're just still a little harsh in the mids and edgy in the highs. Th...