I have owned the Tannoy Ardens for 44 years and was fortunate to be able to audition the entire Legacy group (then four sizes) in person in a controlled room in '77. I wavered between them only because the Ardens are really BIG, but I finally went with them because the enclosure size DOES make a difference in rich, full bass response and a distinct imaging...so hard to convey what you hear but I have never heard a sweeter speaker. It is not heavy on treble so remember that when picking you amplification, but I use mine with tubes and LOVE the warmth and smoothness. Never been tempted by another..likely never will. I was lucky to find my "forever" speakers at the age of 25! I'm now in a custody battle as when we divorced we agreed to switch back and forth every five years..now he is trying to keep them but I am ready to hear them again! You will never regret getting them!