Tang Band 2145 in action

Ck out the sunning , sparkling highs.
Hardly need to add a  tweeter. = can if you wish. just add any of your fav tweets, +  with a  simple 2.2 or 3.3 cap.

As I said previously, both the TB2145 ad DLVX8 both are very close in performance.
can't go wrong with either.

Truly a   magical sound image.
Jazz fans especially take note of this speaker.
You always wanted life like sound stage, with no added baggage???
'Well  the TB2145 has your order.



Showing 12 responses by csmgolf

No one has to believe me, or you for that matter. Isn’t this a great country? The proof is in the listening and to me it was bad. I am not the only one on this thread that said it sounded crappy. There is a reason you keep adding on and cobbling stuff together. You don’t think it sounds good either but are trying desperately to save face.
If the video is what it really sounds like in person, it is a distorted, muddled mess. That video is truly awful.
This is not 1990, we are 2 decades into the 21st C.
Exactly right. Why are you moving to 100 year old technology? It sounded like crap then, and from what I can tell from your latest video, it still sounds like crap. Are you related to Dr. Emmett Brown and do you own a DeLorean? Let's go back to the future!

I have heard multiple, appropriately implemented wide band speakers over the years. I have had the same reaction every time....Meh. Allow me to clue you in. Yours are not properly implemented. That has been pointed out in this thread and others you have started and you choose to ignore it. Just like you choose to not fix your room first.

The future in speakers has been the subject of several threads here in the last couple of years. IMO, fully active DSP controlled speakers are the future. Note the IMO. Also note, I do not come here and try repeatedly to force my opinion down anyone else's throat while insisting that they are wrong. I understand why people are reluctant to go there. That doesn't change my opinion that it is the future.

In the type of fully active I am talking about, all of the crossover is done digitally. Out of band driver behavior is dealt with digitally. The only thing between the amplifier and driver is wire. Choose the amplifier you wish for each driver. Perfect time and phase coherence. Excellent dynamics. Smooth frequency response, with the ability to tailor it to your own taste if you desire. High quality room correction. No more crossover mods. No more cable rolling. Certainly none of your concept of lets just throw another driver in there and see what happens, then proclaiming victory. Talk about Audiofoolery. It would be difficult to be more foolish than what you are doing. 
So- other than the shelved off bass, what else needs help?
There is an emphasis in the mid treble, which does make that range a bit hot to me, with excess sibilance.
the upper mids also seem pushed a bit; this may or may not be due to a 4.8khz. resonance in the woofers.
So- what’s the bottom line? This standard, basic version gives a real taste of vey high end sound at a true bargain price.
You conveniently left out the parts that don’t back up what you claim about the Thors. "A taste of high end sound" is not the same thing as "the best in the world". That is some really classic cherry-picking and making up of things that weren’t even stated.
If the "improved" DIY crossovers work as reported, these could give real competion to commercial speakers in the $8-10k class.
He clearly states that if you spend some coin on fixing the issues with the crossover, you may have something that could compete with an 8-10k speaker. Not "you will have", but "you may". That is a world of difference. They are probably pretty good for the price of the kit, but not much above that unless you are willing to really put in some work to fix the issues. Long story short, they are not the best in the world (maybe in your little corner of the world) by a long shot. Plus, the reviewer is just some guy on Audio Asylum. For all anyone knows, his range of experience with high end sound is no better than yours. Meaning, not very much.
Consider me the counter weight to Stereophile's pumping spakers past 20+ years.
Seas Thors worlds finest speaker.
You said this, not me. You were comparing them to any speakers they have reviewed. You have compared the Thors repeatedly with speakers costing many multiples more that you have never even seen in person, let alone heard when properly set up. There is no context or cost class to your constant rantings. Quit backtracking on what you said.

Not sure if you are aware, Seas is one of the best, if not THE best low sens driver desiner lab in the world.
I am more than aware of Seas and ScanSpeak. What you are clearly not aware of is that there are multiple other driver manufacturers that compete with them and in some cases, surpass them (GASP!). Accuton, ATC, Audio Technology, Eton, Morel, Purifi, SB Acoutstics, Volt, and Wavecor to name some. In short, the Seas Magnesiums are good but absolutely not the best in the world. 
WE were just chatting over the Thors, I mentioned how low coloration,
Magnesium, worlds best material for midwoofer cone musical resonances.

Not true. The review that YOU linked here mentioned three distinct colorations of the Thor that I quoted in my last post. You didn't choose to comment on that though. Interestingly enough, I heard those same colorations in older videos of yours highlighting the Thors. I believe his description of those colorations far more than you saying they have none, because I heard them. I have also owned speakers that had the Seas Magnesiums in them (Tyler Acoustics Super Tower) which exhibited the same coloration. Clearly representative of the driver.
Focals, vandersteens, which I’ve not heard, but judging the book by its cover (woofer cone material), which is guaranteed to have certain muddy resonances in upper bass/low mids.
There is a profound level of ignorance in this statement. So much so, that it is difficult to respond to. I am sure that you can't figure out what it is though.
Midrange too thick for my small listening room. Even in a large room, dual WBers won't really work.
It may or may not be the room. Certainly, it has to do with the fact that you are clueless with respect to speaker design. There are too many variables that you haven't even remotely considered that may cause this rather than using two drivers. It is both comical and sad at the same time.
Myth buster.
***wide bands roll off both ends, lacks vass slam and dull highs.***

Prejudiced falsehood, based on lack of real exp with these speakers, Only hear-say,
Well here ya go, Stevie Wonders 1973, Too High.
Everything below about 80 hertz is rolled off, and badly. It is hard to tell where the highs roll off. All I hear is shrillness in the mid and low treble. You’re striking out on disproving anything.That is worse than the previous video I listened to and commented on. If it makes you happy, great. Quit saying that is high fidelity, because it is not. If I were the manufacturer of these drivers, I would be looking to have a cease and desist order written for you. The only reason I can think of for the dismal sound is that they are not being fairly represented here.
So- other than the shelved off bass, what else needs help?
There is an emphasis in the mid treble, which does make that range a bit hot to me, with excess sibilance.
the upper mids also seem pushed a bit; this may or may not be due to a 4.8khz. resonance in the woofers.
So- what’s the bottom line? This standard, basic version gives a real taste of vey high end sound at a true bargain price.
I am posting again what I posted several days ago. The quotes above are direct copy and paste from the review you posted. They are his words, not mine. I just agree.
Did you read the link review I posted above.
3rd indepentent party, unbiased, down to earth review of the Seas Thors.
So the answer is yes, I did read the independent 3rd party review, and he agreed with my assessment. Again, you just cherry-picked what agreed with what you are pushing. Not the actual conclusion of the reviewer.

The cease and desist comment was an over exaggeration to make a point. However, your videos are doing those companies no favors. If I owned the company, I wouldn’t want you speaking for my product at all. You have no clue what you are doing.
Allow me to complete the quote for you. He basically states that after mods to the crossover, they could give competition to speakers in the 8-10k range. Not "they would", but "they could". And it doesn't say beat, it says compete. Throw the colorations he mentioned in there and it is not a ringing endorsement for the Thors IMO. It is basically a statement of you should give them consideration. See the full quote right here.
So- what's the bottom line? This standard, basic version gives a real taste of vey high end sound at a true bargain price.
If the "improved" DIY crossovers work as reported, these could give real competion to commercial speakers in the $8-10k class.

Now you admit that......
I cautally can hear things in the YT vid of the TB2145, that is now clear why I stayed with the davidLouis VX8.
Would that be because someone pointed these things out to you?

Not sure if you are aware the Millennium tweet is well known as a very accurate tweeter.
The Tyler speakers that I mentioned that I owned (Super Tower) have the Millenium tweeter in them, so yes, I am well aware of them and what they sound like.

Look if the Focals, KEF's, Vandersteens, Wislon;'s were as special as you suggest,
I have never owned any of them and have never suggested that they were special. Unlike you, I have actually been in the same room with and heard models from all of them at one time or another. Like all speakers, they have their pluses and minuses. I have heard multiple wide band speakers in person as well. None of them have been good enough to my ears to even consider replacing my fully active speakers. Not even close. 
So far I’m the only one here who actually heard the TB2145
You have the attention span of a gnat. Bache is the one that told you about them and he has told you how to improve it. He actually designs speakers and has a clue what he is doing. You don’t. You also have @larryi trying to help you get better sound as well. You dismiss everything he says because it doesn’t line up with what you wish you had. Not what you have, what you wish you had.

I think its clear the shootout went very well for the WBers.
Well, maybe to one of us. Your 10 of 10 on the tympany drums is your opinion. For the power of an instrument like that, the sound needs to have depth and project size. Sorry, but they don’t rate above about a 5 for me with respect to how those drums sounded. Sorely lacking the power and scale they should have.

I don't think, Mark Audio holds up against the Tang band and DavidLouis

On what do you base this? Which Mark Audio driver have you heard? Just more inane rambling.
I do suffer froma bit of alzheimers disease,
I am sorry. My mother passed from frontal temporal dementia. I am done here. Please work with someone like Bache that can build you the appropriate cabinet for your driver. There is more to get out of them than what you are currently getting. Listen to his advice on how to get the most out of them. Good luck with your speakers.
what you hear on your $10 comp speakers is EXACTLY what you will get in your listening room.
This is exactly what you said on your very first follow up post on this thread.

The sony cam is all I could afford and does present my demo as trans radio.
This is what you say now. 

If there were any weaknesses I'd sure let everyone know.
I am not buying this. You are clearly unhappy because you keep changing, adding, deleting drivers. It is a mess and you know it.