Taming a Bright Phono Section

I recently aquired an Apt Holman pre-amp. This pre-amp has
really stood the test of time. The phono section is very transparent
albeit a tad bright. Now I'm not using any esoteric gear, just a
Philips GA-212, another piece to stand the test of time, and an
Ortofon OM cartridge. I've had a Creek OBH-8SE phono pre-amp
used with the same above and it was by no means bright. So it is
the phono section. Any suggestions on how I might be able to tame this brightness.

Showing 1 response by etbaby

1. Try degaussing the phono section of the Apt Homan first using a cardas disk.
2. Clean the contacts with Craig pro-gold.

Now see if the phono section is still bright.