Talon Raven ... not much info.. anyone ?

Talon, obviously with excellent products with the Khorus X have a bit of an unknown entity "The Raven". The speaker seems to have good specs and technology that could potentially make this speaker a winner in the $6K range. Has anyone demo'ed these. ?? Love to get opinions on the sound and the character of this speaker.

I've heard that there have been recent internal cabinent changes to several models in the Talon line that have made a large improvement.
Disclaimer: I am a Talon dealer.


Hello...The Raven is a STUNNING speaker for the money and so close to the Khorus X in performance that the Raven should be considered a steal. The Khorus X is more transparent and has increased resolution capability over the Raven, but unless you have the upstream equipment to take advantage of it, you will NOT hear a difference between the Raven and Khorus X. Hope this helps. Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any additional questions.

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio