Talon Raven C or Khorus?

Wondering if anyone has experience with both the original Khorus and Raven C speakers and can comment on differences/preferences. No dealers in my area, so comparing them myself is proving very difficult.
For the price I would pick up a pair of used Khorus's and enjoy. I have owned their orig Perrigrines for 3 yrs and I won't give them up, they use the same drivers and design of the Khorus. I can imagine that the Ravens sound nice but what you can pick up a used pair of the Khorus for You can't go wrong I'd love to have a pair but I love my Perrigrines.
I own a pair of`original Khorus's, & a pair of original Peregrines on Sound Anchor stands. The Khorus's have a better frequency response on both ends, compared to the Ravens. Both are great speakers, but when listening to hi-rez the Khorus's top end of 35,000 will be appreciated!The Peregrines, & the Ravens sound very similar to previous auditions. Honestly I don't think you could go wrong with either, if you can however stretch the budget, the low end of the Khorus's will continually suprize you. Good Luck!
IMO the Raven C sounded better to me then did the original Khorus speaker. Never compared them to the newer version.

Happy Listening.