Talon-New owner-NO customer service

I have a Talon Roc I purchased from a fellow Audiogon member. It developed a buzz after two months of use. I called talon, now owned by Rives and told them the problem. I got a call from Katie saying they no longer dealt with the amp manufacturer but she would call me back. She didn't so I called a week later. Basically they weren't interested in my plight, even if if I paid for out of warrenty service. They did say I could replace the amp for $1600!!!!! That is a "we don't don't care, but if you pay this-we will-price"!!!! A call to Richard got me, "go buy a Crown amp for a $1000 and make a wood panel for the back"
BEWARE---it appears Rives do not want to support Talons existing products!!!

Showing 2 responses by onhwy61

Robyatt, have you no shame? You're whining, in public no less! Life's unfair, deal with it! Or at the very least, video your "situation" for YouTube. Let the whole world know how you feel.
Rives offered to fix your speaker, but you've obviously declined and now prefer to smear their name in a public forum. You purchased a used product made by a company that was no longer in business and when you did that you assumed a certain amount of risk. It's unfortunate, but in hindsight you made the poor decision.