Tally up best preamplifier ever

We have seen so many threads on what is the best preamplifier ever, but the responses end up in paragraph form as a result making it hard to get a good accessment of which preamplifier gets mentioned most or more often, which is ok, but let us see if we can get a thread going that will make it easy to tally up which preamplifier gets the most votes as the best preamplifier............. We all have different tastes let's keep in mind that the diversity is a plus and there is no need to make this a personal crusade................ I think most of us would like to see a genuinely accurate picture of which is the best preamplifier. I don't like to live by rules but if I may suggest let's keep the response limited to just the name of the preamplifier company and model name or number. Every now and then we can get a score card showing the results. I would like to start off with what I consider the best preamplifier: .............. hovland hp200
First Sound Paramount statement= 4 chasis 128lbs and over 500,000 microfarads worth of juice.Eat your heart out!!
Joule Electra LAP 150 and Bent Audio NOH - I own and use both. The Joule replaced a Hovland HP 100 P, which in turn replaced a VTL 7.5. The Joule is by far the best tube pre-amp I have heard or used - it is very dynamic (using the very latest in Russian super tubes, and separate power supplies that would power Cleveland for many separate stages) and gives the most "you are there" reality and "jump" in the midrange I have heard. The tube phono section is wonderful. As a back-up (with high-powered tubes you always want a back-up) I use the Bent Audio NOH - a passive pre-amp, but using exotic transformers to step up the current to avoid the "anemic" sound that can result from passive pre-amps. It also uses the latest in relay switching and remote controls - very handy. Anyway the Bent NOH is very, very clean and pure, but still punchy, particularly on CD, every bit as much as the Joule LAP.
There is no such thing...but since you asked...

Herron VTSP-1 (w/lastest upgrades) It just sounds like music...live music.

This is the preamp I own, of course. But I auditioned Joule Electra LA100 mkIII, First Sound Presence Deluxe MkII, Hovland HP100, Blue Circle Galatea, CAT Ultimate and various ARCs and C-Js.

I remember being impressed by the CTC Blowtorch and Aethetix Callisto in demos, but these machines are 10k and 5k more than my beloved Herron.